Super Freak
Glad they cut it. What we got was fine.
Glad they cut it. What we got was fine.
Great reviewI think I just saw the most accurate comic/graphic novel version of Batman ever put on screen.
Pattinson killed it. Right from the first scene, loved how much emotion and attitude he gives off just with his shifty eyes and the methodical way he moves throughout the film.
The first two acts were something of a masterpiece. I love the Gordon/Batman aspect and they actually delivered on making a “worlds greatest detective” movie. Figuring out clues as Dano’s Riddler methodically pulls at their and the audience’s thread was such a blast.
Zoe Kravitz killed it as well, the best Selina we’ve ever seen in my opinion. Pattinson and her really got the movement and attitude down to the T on these characters and I really hope we see her in the role again.
Dano is THE Riddler here. No camp or over the top costume. Just a wimp with a massive brain, a misguided sense of direction with an insane plan backed by a solid reasoning from where he stands. a great villain. I’m glad they held his ego back a bit unlike the comics. It was interesting how politically fueled his plot was without barfing it all over your lap like other movies these days.
Penguin was a lot of fun, and took part in the best action sequence in the film. That Batmobile chase was insane.
The third act was great too and gave me the action finale I wanted, even if it was a little larger scale then I hoped they pulled it off with such class. It reminded me a lot of Begins, which isn’t a terrible thing at all.
After the hyper realism of TDK and TDKR, and barely spending anytime with Batman and his relationship with Gotham in Snyder’s films, I’m so happy Gotham finally feels like a character again, as it should. The set designers and art teams need nominated for this. The coolest and dingiest Gotham on screen.
It’s up there with TDK and ‘89. Loved every minute of it.
PS: I’m glad the “Twilight, emo, skinny, cringe” argument has finally faded after all the time and anticipation we sat through. People actually woke up and realized this dude has chops.
Thank you!Great review
Honestly that may be a hard sell. At that point he's ... Daredevil?
I hated the suit before the fim but I've warmed up to it ... even though I would have preferred it be a little more streamlined and less SWAT.
Absolutely amazing film. Gotham had weight to it. I haven't felt such city atmosphere on screen since Blade Runner.
Pattinson is incredible as Batman. He really sold the feeling of a regular guy going out at night and getting battered doing the best he can.
I hope they keep this tone and don't ruin it by bringing in characters outside of the Batman lore, even Superman would bring its established sense of realism down.
The Gotham presented here is a place I could almost smell, and that batsuit is just glorious. I hope HT makes a 1/4 version, I would definitely grab that too.
I'm looking forward to giving it a look ....but I will wait for it to be available on Disney +I have no interest in Strange.
When I saw they cut Batman talking to him in the beginning of the film, I was happy and figured they cut out the end with him and Riddler in Arkham too. I thought it was so random and unnecessary.Glad they cut it. What we got was fine.
Think it was a studio decision and not something Reeves wanted?When I saw they cut Batman talking to him in the beginning of the film, I was happy and figured they cut out the end with him and Riddler in Arkham too. I thought it was so random and unnecessary.
Why they decided to keep the second part at the end baffles me. They should have cut it too and just skip to Batman and Catwoman in the cemetery. If you’re going to cut the first scene with Batman and “unnamed Arkham inmate” cut the second scene at the end too. Instead it makes it even more jarring and fan service like.
I loved the narration too. I've spoke to someone who didn't like it however I thought it worked perfectly.Just rewatched the opening 10mins on a streaming site. Horrific quality but just needed to digest it again.
Best 10mins of any film ever.
I don't know ... when:My Batman is so damaged he doesn’t even think about sex.
Pattinson pulled that off here he actually never lead with the kiss it was Selina driving it BUT I wanted him even less interested than what they showed.
Think they'll use Joker heavily in the sequel or have him in the odd scene, like the above you described?No idea.
Originally it plays out like Silence of the Lambs. After the first killing and riddle with the mayor, Batman goes to Arkham to interrogate the Joker because calling out Batman directly fits his MO. The Joker isn’t named obviously but right off the bat you get the idea that the two have had history. Batman writes him off as a potential suspect and goes on his merrily way. Immediately it feels unnecessary. The only aspect I liked about it was it felt like “another day in the life” of Batman, like it’s a slice of what he pretty much does every single night. But we get a glimpse of this already with the thugs in the beginning of the movie.
Another thing I’m surprised they didn’t cut was all the BS between Falcone getting assassinated and Riddler at the diner/cafe. That was so frivolous having Batman go into the apartment, along with the GCPD, only to have a random lady call in that “oh yeah, I saw him go down the catwalk and sit down to buy coffee”. So much stuff could have been cut tighter.