Super Freak
I think in between it was The Riddler’s blog, the explosions, and then the assassination attempt. Which, okay. I know people look for plot holes and I’m sure there’s other **** that is probably way more unrealistic, but the scene that bothered the ever loving **** out of me was when they shoot at the mayor elect. Because I’ve seen so many political rallies and press conferences; pretty much anywhere, and you always, ALWAYS, have the three lanes of bullet proof glass forming a general perimeter around the speaker. Like, they could’ve taken a shot at her as she was walking back away or even up there and it have the same impact, but I was like “come on.”The last two times I've been in a Dolby theater, there is just something so subtle at the edges of the room. Like how they added that spurs sound as he walked out of the shadows, it felt subtle the very first time and louder in other appearances. It is noticeable in silent moments of the film that something is going on that you wouldn't hear in a normal theater.
I need to see it again first of all, but I think it was the couple or few scenes that lead up to that kinda took some momentum away going to the Garden. I know there was the Alfred scene then prison scene, but I felt like there was something else there that bottomed it out. Not saying any of it was bad, just noticeable in the rhythm of the film.