JAWS I had seen bits and pieces of as a kid (pun intended) but I never actually sat down and watched it straight through til I was about 30. Sacrilege, I know, but I think in my mind I confused it with the lackluster sequels and always assumed it was "cheesy."
So I sat down one night, alone, and watched it start to finish, and my jaw was wide open the whole time. It's a MASTERPIECE. Every frame a damn masterpiece, even that throw away like "That's one bad hat, Harry."
I don't know if this was the first use of the camera push way in while the camera also pulls back, ( doubt it) but it sure as hell is the most well known, iconic, and instantly recognizable.
And "We're gonna need a bigger boat." Truly just an ad-lib? Makes no difference; it's the no. 3 best line of all time on some prestigious list.
And if you didn't get at least a dribble of pee-pee in your pants the first time you saw this??? I'm gonna call you a liar!!
TL;DR......"The Batman" sucks and "JAWS effing rules.