The Beatles 1964 Fab Four set

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Thanks, Man. The boots aren't even an issue when you see them like this. Can't wait to get to the jacket mods. Reposting for everyone. Here they are with pants and boots on plus some helpful notes. :cool:

From Left to Right
Paul Dragon Reg, George HT Slim, Ringo Dragon Cheong, John Dragon Neo 3

Notes. The hands shown aren't final on Paul and Ringo. I raised Paul's heels a bit. I know it looks as if Paul and Ringo are about the same height in the pic, but Paul measures 10.5" neck to heel, Ringo is 10". John's joints are a bit loose so I'll have to add glue to tighten them up but they line up heightwise pretty well. If you're posing Ringo seated on his drum stool, his height is a non issue anyway. Also, when slipping the boots on, lubricate the insides first, they stick when dry and are a real bi-ch, but coat the insides with soap and water or dishwashing liquid and they'll slip right on.
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Hi Guys,

I'm off to the Beatles museum/story tomorrow. Will take plenty of reference shots so if theres anything inparticular you want to see nows the time to let me know.

PS Spenser I've paypal'd you $120 for four unpainted heads, can you let me know if you need more for shipping to the uk please?

Hey Smiff,

If you're headed to that museum I'd like to know for a dio:

What brand of cigarettes did they smoke?
Pepsi or Coke or other beverage for soft drinks?
Favorite hard liquor brand--- White Horse, Old Navy, etc.?
On which fingers did Ringo wear his rings? I was watching HELP! and it looks like he as rings on his fourth and fifth fingers on each hand but I can't be sure.

PS when you get the heads, you'll be amazed at the likeness. You'll probably be the first on your block to have them.


Did you treat the cymbals yet with magic color glass stain? Curious as I'm about to pull the trigger on getting some. I think I like apricot best but not certain yet. LMK Bro. :cool:
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One set of suits are ready. So whoever wants them can pay pal whenever. I really need a head count on who wants suits.
One set of suits are ready. So whoever wants them can pay pal whenever. I really need a head count on who wants suits.

paypal sent for suits!

Lucky Boy. I'm jealous. :monkey5

Hope my suits aren't a total embarassment. :lol I guess they'll be okay for now. Should have the jackets modded by this weekend.

Well, it seems with Matt's (UK) head order, there are now 10 sets of heads that have been accounted for including mine. Not too bad for the first few weeks. I think they first went on sale third week of March. As these roll out and more people gather the scratch needed this number will grow. I remember 30 members expressed interest so I'm just glad I'll be in the first group to have completed the set. :cool:
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No, I haven't gotten a chance to do any modding yet. It's Tax time and I'm busy with that... But I'll ask about the guitars from artstudio35 sometime after the 15th. As for the color magic, I went to my local Michaels and can't find it. I'll try AC Moore. If I still can't then I'll be ordering that stuff.

Here's a site for some tips about it:

And here's a place that sell it online:

click on the individual colors for indivdual pricing at this place:

I figure to buy the thinner, the top coat, apricot and lemon yellow and spend about $25-30 on it.

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Paul, looking good so far! I'm watching this thread carefully looking for your completed set.

Thanks Reiny. Les is painting my heads so I'll have to wait in line so it''ll be awhile but I heard he's catching up so maybe not so long after all. Can't wait to see some completed sets before then, it'll be a momentous occasion because this has NEVER been done for such an Iconic Band, prolly the Greatest band ever. They sure are to me.

Im sure they'll turn out fine. I still need Paul's dam hoffner!! When Spenser does the 69 set, I REALLY want to put together a rooftop concert sure this will be a VERY long term project.

Jan 30 69 Rooftop diorama would be amazing. But you'll need a Billy Preston too, and maybe some Bobbies. :lol And I'm sure that artstudio Guy will do an amazing Hofner, his 1/4 scale stuff is great.

Mike, I'm prolly just gonna get the apricot. Thanks.
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wow, you got the legends doing your stuff Paul - Spenser, Seb and Les. Gonna be a kick ass set!!

Now if someone could just do a Jim Morrison figure...
wow, you got the legends doing your stuff Paul - Spenser, Seb and Les. Gonna be a kick ass set!!

Now if someone could just do a Jim Morrison figure...

I would Kill for a Morrison, you know that. And I still have his mugshot as my Profile pic. :lol I even wrote to SSC and begged them to do a Morrison PF back when they announced a Musicians line. What happed with that line anyway? Btw, you HAVE to check out the new Doors doc "When You're Strange". I heard it's amazing.