The Blacklist

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It can't stick. She could be off having her real life baby and they needed her gone for a bit. At first I thought it was a ruse to get away from Red since it happened just after she talked to Mr Kaplan but some of the things they did at the end they may not do to a "healthy" person so now I'm not sure.

Well, this is obviously timed for her maternity leave. Either way, Red isn't in the know so his reaction to this is going to be explosive to say the least. Red on a rampage should make for interesting TV.
I agree... Mr Kaplan is hiding her from Red and it will be a fun couple weeks. :) I see Mr Soloman getting his payback soon from either Red or whoever hired him to find Liz.
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I wonder if she's leaving the show? Honestly, I feel that she's the weakest link on the program.

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I wonder if she's leaving the show? Honestly, I feel that she's the weakest link on the program.

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But the entire show is about her. Who Red is, who Tom is, who her mom is and if she leaves then I couldn't care less who they all are. Why watch the show anymore.
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Exactly. As much as she annoys me, the show is about her. If she's not there, Red doesn't stick around and the task force disbands. Show over. Now, if they want to do that and spin off into a show concentrating on Red and his adventures out in the world then I'd stick around for that.
But the entire show is about her. Who Red is, who Tom is, who her mom is and if she leaves then I could care less who they all are. Why watch the show anymore.

I guess I look at it the other way. I'm more intrigued by Red and his schemes than by anything Liz has done. She's always seemed like a bumbling detective to me, and now that she's been stripped of her FBI's only been worse. I did enjoy when she and Red were on the lamb together, but everything else just seems like self-plagiarism from week to week now. Rehashing her baby woes, and the Red v. Tom trust dichotomy. I'd rather see an arc centered around Red's nefarious business dealings and his defensive attempts at countering Rostova and her plans. To me, Liz is nothing more than a pawn between Red and Rostova. That's the story I want to know, and you don't need Liz to tell it anymore. The wheels are in motion. She can bow out for x-amount of episodes, or for the duration of the season, and they can end the show. It's not as if this show can really go on for 6-7 seasons.

Tom? Boring. He should have died last year. That character was at the height of interest when he was still "evil". I don't see the redemption of the character through actually falling for Liz. That always seemed a bit weak for me.
I agree that Red’s stories have become the main focus but if Liz is really dead than what the hell have I been watching for the last 2 ½ years, the Red Reddington Show pilot episode? So what happens when he finds Liz’s mom…. Guess what your daughter is dead but I still love you. If we can’t see Liz find out who everyone is than what’s the point anymore? Just end the show and start another one called Red’s Gang and tell his stories.
They can't get rid of Liz without finishing her story. She has to meet her mom. After that, I don't care what they do with her.
And find out who Red is... then she can go away forever.

Well, Liz will be coming shoot/kill her own mother during Liz's saving of Red. I know what you guys are saying re: the importance of ending Liz's storyline, but I think the show has eclipsed her and her mother; especially considering the episode that ended with the painting of Liz standing by Red's grave (the assumed threat by Rostova). Liz meeting her mother, and finding out she's just as big a dirtbag as Red is somewhat interesting, but the real meat - again, to me, is the WHY behind the lies, cover-up, etc between Red, Rostova and Liz. They are getting dangerously close to me no longer many more times can we fake a death? I said Kaplan is in kahoots with Liz, and my wife said, "Oh. Not faking deaths again." I guess I have a hard time thinking that Liz's life would truly be better without Red in it. There must be a reason he initially surrendered in the pilot. Was Rostova already moving in? Or, is the Rostova story an afterthought to the development of the Liz + Red relationship? The big relieve HAS to occur during the Red / Rostova meeting, and you guys are right --- what story is left to tell after that? But if that payoff doesn't come much longer can they fuel this show? Are we entering 3 seasons of Liz getting to know her mom? I hope not.
The Liz situation needs a proper resolution. I honestly don't care what they do with her character but she is the tie that binds in this show and we need to know how and why.
That was definitely an interesting episode. Red's kind of going into crazy town without Liz. Interesting way to show us Liz's mom.
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I liked the episode. Made me wish they'd do some flashback episodes with Liz's mom to show how much of a badass she was. I still don't quite believe Liz is dead though. If she is, then I don't know where the show goes from here. I think Mr. Kaplan faked her death to get her away from Red. Whether or not she did it on her own or on someone else's orders is another question.
Well, Famke Janssen must be doing something right - NBC is already eyeing her as the starring role in a Blacklist spin-off, and Ryan Eggold would have a large part in the show (aping the Liz/Red dynamic). No sure thing yet...but that leads me to believe Famke is not Rostova.
Instead of a spin off how about just keeping this one great? I loved seeing Aram give Red the what for and kind of putting him in his place. I would think Red’s #1 goal would have been to find who killed Liz and dispose of them in some wonderful way but instead he went the basket case route... I’m glad Aram got him back on track. And I would love to think that was Liz’s mom but why would she be secretly working with the government?