The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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Rodriguez doesn't seem to understand the historical and mythological "mixing" of styles and costuming that has gone on in Star Wars for 43 years. He's too literal. He wants vespas -- give 'em vespas. He wants a bad girl -- give her fishnets and a black motocycle jacket. :slap
He wants Danny Trejo, make him an alien, a masked assassin? ...No, he's just straight Danny Trejo, training essentially a giant pit-bull :lol

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This has got to be the greatest moment in the history of Star Wars. :lol


Generic white guy holy crap I'm dying. :rotfl

Honestly if this image had been leaked before that stupid trailer of teenage Joan Jett I wouldn't have believed this was a thing in a Star Wars show with Favreau's name on it. This image is just far too stupid to believe. I want to know whose idea this was, how they pitched it, and how they didn't get laughed out of the room. And how did all the people who were on set shooting this not put a stop to it when they saw how it looked IRL? Just....WTF???
Felt like Spy Kids. Loving the show so far and its a welcome retreat from Mando S2's cameo-character of the week type of thing.

As for my two cents on this Fett dissonance: I think people have odd 'never-happened' memories of Fett being some hard core bad ass. It was a reputation, which doesn't make it fact. People painted this image in their head of Boba being John Wick. He is quite strong but he is clearly out of his element. He is out in the open dealing with things differently at the moment but people can't wrap their heads around the difference.
Just sayin' tho, and I wasn't even into the Boba mythos, I never would have thought of Boba Fett as being a teddy bear in a onesy or getting tossed around in his underwear (totally manscaped) or forgetting he has a jetpack or apparently needing to suck a vaccuum cleaner hose floating in an aquarium, with so many visions it makes me wonder what's in that airflow.

Not to mention the countless irritating moments of Favreau ripping himself off e.g. so a short image of Mando walking by helmets on pikes becomes iconic. A symbol that speaks volumes. So now there's someone in the Boba show sticking a helmet on a pike and now it just looks like a cheap rip off moment. Like you don't know when to quit milking stuff you already did.

The writing in this show blows. Candy color speeders and one of those kids looks like they're wearing a raincoat from LL Bean. So this rancour is gonna imprint on the first human it sees - so it's been kept blinded all this time? Well, that's %$#@. Why is biker chic wearing a fake hand with a robotic arm? Jokes that fall flat. If the Tuskens survive by hiding, then why weren't they better hidden and/or had someone on watch...

Mostly it's like watching one of those straight to video movies. Or Scooby Do. Frustratingly there's characters like the incest twins. I just think Favreau is spread too thin and it shows.
I just don't understand where this characterization of Boba Fett is coming from. I wasn't joking earlier - this is a lovely and kind man as presented in the first three episodes of this show - displaying nothing but commendable attributes - respect, understanding, patience, mercy, a desire to help others, affection to animals etc

So how does this line up with the Boba Fett who shot Bib Fortuna dead without any explanation at the end of Mando season 2? This Boba Fett would not have done that, he'd have let him flee with his headtails between his legs. How does it line up with the Boba Fett of the Original Trilogy? I don't see how this Boba Fett was ever a Bounty Hunter willing to work for the Empire and Jabba the Hutt. I don't understand why he decided he wanted to take over from Jabba as the head of a crime syndicate. The characterization they're going with seems more suited to law enforcement or whatever Cobb Vanth was. What's Fett's particular interest in staying on Tatooine anyway?

This is just bizarre.

If they want to salvage this they have a heck of a lot of explaining and ret-conning to do.

Its probably because Robert Rodriguez never understood Boba Fett and therefore thought whatever he did with the character was fine.

“I usually avoid premier properties — you’ll never be able to please everybody, it’s a losing game…I’d rather go do something I’ve created so nobody can say, ‘Hey, that’s wrong because …’ I created it, so it can be anything I want it to be. I love that freedom. That changed with Boba because he was a character that was always underserved. It was a character way more popular than he should have been, based on [his limited screen time]. So it’s almost like starting with an original character. You can kind of do anything you want, so long as you make him cool and don’t make him a buffoon."
Got the day off tomorrow so decided to watch.

I don't know whether to laugh at how bad this series actually is or cry that a bunch of hack grifters are being paid insane amounts of money to write and direct this.
  • The dialogue is trash.
  • The production design is weak and wildly inconsistent.
  • The directing is lame.
  • The acting is sub-par.
  • There is no resonance whatsoever with the source material.
  • The world-building is done with a pack of crayons.
  • The writing doesn't even try.
  • There is next to no continuity in either character or setting.
  • The industrial design is from some other children's show.
  • The cinematography is often inadequate.
  • The fight and chase sequences are oddly slow and totally lacking in excitement.
  • The musical score is poor.
Target audience seems to be 5-year old children and whoever that guy is that cries when he watches trailers.

How did this get made? It's *literally* the worst Star Wars content I have *ever seen* except for the Holiday Special. I cannot take apologists for this show seriously.

I would rather re-watch the entire Sequel Trilogy.
At this point who cares? :LOL:

I know you are kinda joking here, but this show is so terrible and half assed that apathy is setting in. I'm literally watching for the lols now.

Star Wars was in a pretty good place with fans(myself included) after season 2 of The Mandalorian but Lucasfilm/Disney has really squandered that positive momentum since. They went right to work and fired Gina Carano which pissed off tons of hardcore fans, then there was Pablo Hidalgo, the Firespray, Kathleen Kennedy's extension, and now this awful Boba Fett show. Am I forgetting anything?
I know you are kinda joking here, but this show is so terrible and half assed that apathy is setting in. I'm literally watching for the lols now.

Star Wars was in a pretty good place with fans(myself included) after season 2 of The Mandalorian but Lucasfilm/Disney has really squandered that positive momentum since. They went right to work and fired Gina Carano which pissed off tons of hardcore fans, then there was Pablo Hidalgo, the Firespray, Kathleen Kennedy's extension, and now this awful Boba Fett show. Am I forgetting anything?

Mando season 2 was kind of overrated. Just a bunch of guest appearances. The first season was fire though.
People have been bending over for the last two weeks [...]
Just where Disney wants 'em.
I was actually kind of bummed to see that the Tusken tribe got wiped out.
They're animals.
I wonder if the youngling and his Massif got away as well as the female warrior.:dunno
Wasn't that the kid's stick Boba threw on to the bonfire last? Indicating his body was in there?

If they want to salvage
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So the final fight is going to be Fett riding the Rancor into battle (with the aid of his army of Power Bike Rangers) against the Pykes...
Most importantly, and again, directed by Ruin Johnson's newly recruited disciple - Ruinriguez. Final episode is going to 'hell of a cringe fest.
I know you are kinda joking here, but this show is so terrible and half assed that apathy is setting in. I'm literally watching for the lols now.
But kinda not. This stuff is bad. I'm not sure I'm willing to give anything else a chance unless I see members here whose opinions I respect giving positive reviews.

Even when the writing is poor you should be able to count on beautiful production design and spectacle from Star Wars -- but this looks cheap and there's no consistency or continuity in the art work and design. There's zero attention to detail for a great deal of the show. It's a hack job.

Star Wars was in a pretty good place with fans(myself included) after season 2 of The Mandalorian but Lucasfilm/Disney has really squandered that positive momentum since. They went right to work and fired Gina Carano which pissed off tons of hardcore fans, then there was Pablo Hidalgo, the Firespray, Kathleen Kennedy's extension, and now this awful Boba Fett show. Am I forgetting anything?
I can forgive or look the other way for a lot of things regarding companies and properties like this, but this show is complete trash and destroyed my confidence in their willingness to produce good content with this property.
Star Wars has been Disneyfied.... you have been Disneyfied.... we all have been Disneyfied!!!!

The only way to stop it -- STOP watching Disney!

I'm abandoning this show and won't waste my time on new content or product. I don't care how this dumpster fire ends.

If I see multiple members here whose ... um .. taste aligns with mine ... giving a positive review on some new show down the line, sure I'll check it out -- but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

They're gonna do a proper hatchet job on Kenobi and Vader.
I see what you're saying, but it didn't bother me too much. At least he suited the character.
Yeah, after he started talking in that scene I was a lot less effected by it. I think it was just the initial surprise of who it was and having not expected him to show up was what got me, even though I should have expected it at some point, haha.
It's also about the comic book Boba. I mean that one under Marvel canon stuff. Ruthless, efficient, clever. Seems like a completely different person. Maybe they switched the clones and our Boba is Rex all along! :LOL:
I've actually wondered the same thing. And how do we know for sure that was the real Boba on the sail barge? This dude may not be Boba Fett. He may just be a clone that has his head all turned around from exposure to the Sarlac Pit.