I lied.

I can’t stop reading the comments lol. I can’t believe BOBF may make the ST more palpable to some, I guess it happens all the time with SW. The favored pariah can only last so long before being dethroned for something new and maybe worse.
I’m going to add my own pros and cons for the episode.
Fennec laughable surgery, have to wonder where all the organic matter was disposed and why a Mod tech would have life saving surgical skills. It’s one thing to add cybernetic modifications, it’s another to save a life through augmentations.
Boba bringing the Slave I into the sarlaac. I was screaming at the screen it was likely still alive. Maybe he had to get that close to scan it but why not send Fennec’s probe droid in there like she did when scanning Jabba’s palace.
Feeding the Bantha meat. I always thought they were herbivores but there’s not much foliage on Tatooine so it makes sense most animals would be omnivores to maximize survival.
Krrsantan dismembering the Trandoshan. I kept hoping it would happen and was concerned Beals character would successfully deescalate situation. That scene ended perfectly with some dark humor which was much needed.
Parts of the Palace Infiltration. It was nice to see Fennec and Boba working together even if she provided a lot of cover and seemed more one sided in her competence (sadly a reoccurring problem). I questioned the sewage drain but Fennec likely has some expensive and rare tech that allowed the bars to oxidize. There was some smoke and chemical reaction before the bars fell.
Slave I mowing down the Nikto gang. Boba’s expressions and his voice acting was better than previous episodes. It seems Tem’s ability to remain intimidating is dependent on directors or it could be since this is in the past it matches his original character. I really liked his heavy breathing after each line like he was so aggravated by even having to speak. As if it takes a lot of self control to just tolerate your presence. Seemed more ESB Boba to me.