That's awesome!I was curious so I did the same thing with my eight year old who loves any and all SW:
1. Do you like Boba Fett? Do you think he's cool?
He’s ok. I guess.
2. What do you like about him?
Not sure.
3. Who do you like better, Jango or Boba?
Probably like them the same, they are basically the same.
4. If Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Din Djarin, and Cad Bane were all in their prime and facing off against each other in a cemetery like at the end of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly who do you think would go down first? Who would be the last man standing?
Cad Bane because he doesn’t have armour.
5. If all four bounty hunters were hunting you who'd you be the most worried about?
Mando he seems to be the best at his job.
6. If you had to pick one of the four bounty hunters to keep you alive who'd you choose?
Mando he seems to be the best at his job.
7. Who do you think would do the best against a squad of Stormtroopers?
Mando. Whistling birds dad.
8. If you were a SW character and had to hire a bounty hunter to go get someone who would be your first choice?
8. Who do you think looks the coolest?
Cad Bane with his hat.
Lol, I’m not really surprised by his responses. He’s enjoying BoBF but clearly prefers Mando.

Yeah I'm sure if most of us had been exposed to Mando when we were kids he'd be one of our top faves as well.