The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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Hopes for Ep7:

1. Grogu takes the lightsaber, or both the lightsaber and beskar
2. Cobb Vanth is alive
3. Cad Bane kills the vespa millenials
4. Boba Fett actually wears his helmet and kicks ass
5. Some ESB bounty hunters show up
6. Robert Rodriguez learns how to direct.
what about the Han appearance tease
Hopes for Ep7:

1. Grogu takes the lightsaber, or both the lightsaber and beskar
2. Cobb Vanth is alive
3. Cad Bane kills the vespa millenials
4. Boba Fett actually wears his helmet and kicks ass
5. Some ESB bounty hunters show up
6. Robert Rodriguez learns how to direct.
Way too much to ask.

You can have just two.
I'm sorry, Grogu only gets to choose ONE thing - there's no way we can allow Knightstalker to have TWO!

The Jedi ways are very questionable. Luke had attachments to numerous people. Why can't Grogu be both...
Cause Disney for some reason has re-imagined Luke as a colossal failure.

Luke never followed Jedi dogma, to the contrary, he denied them and followed his own path. Rushed to save his friends, refused to give up on his father.
In doing so, keeping his personal attachment to his friends, his sister, and his father those he loved, he saved the galaxy, and brought about the return of the Jedi his way.
That is Luke.

Disney does not see or know the character. This is a different character.
And if he does not allow Grogu to choose both, it betrays everything Luke learned, experienced, and was.
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That's one of the biggest failures of the Disney-verse. In the old canon the Jedi realized banning attachments only invited disaster, a la Anakin. The new jedi just seem to repeat the past, expecting a different outcome.
Cause Disney for some reason has re-imagined Luke as a colossal failure.

Luke never followed Jedi dogma to the contrary, he denied them and followed his own path
In doing so keeping his personal attachment to his friends, his sister, and his father saved the galaxy.

Disney does not know the character. .This is a different character.

That's one of the biggest failures of the Disney-verse. In the old canon the Jedi realized banning attachments only invited disaster, a la Anakin. The new jedi just seem to repeat the past, expecting a different outcome.
The true first canon got it right. Luke went looking for Jedi, gathered them and let them have relationships, attachments. It breed a New Jedi Order and one that felt right. Lucas was all over the place personally, but the novelists behind the scenes did an incredible job and put George to shame - with plenty of money to line his pockets with the droves of novels.
A few random thoughts on this latest episode...

* This show is having the same issue that the last part of Mando's second season and the "final" season of Clone Wars had...the very Marvel way of spending more time introducing the next big character/thing and leaving the lead character and story in the dust. Boba who?

* Filoni is quickly working to turn everything Star Wars into his cartoons. Yes, Clone Wars had some good episodes and strong moments, but Rebels left me uninterested and now we're seeing cartoon characters brought into live action and live action characters turned into cartoons. Ashoka is one thing, but I didn't need to see Darkwing Duck er, Cad Bane in this show. There was something to be said for the old way of having the comics, the books and other media doing their own thing and not necessarily all being connected. It allowed different kinds of characters that could appeal to folks in a unique ways while leaving the movies (and some books) as so-called "canon." Now, it's all one big pot boiling together...not always a good thing. It's an old cliche', but a true one...too many ingredients spoil the broth.

* While the overall quality of the last two episodes is far and away leaps and bounds ahead of the first four, they only show just how disjointed and lacking in cohesion this series had been as a whole. It's almost as if the first episode were done by interns or amateurs and in the final stretch, the "A" team has come in. of course we'll be back to the dregs next week when Rodriguez returns to the director's chair. Full circle, eh?

* While Luke's "one size fits all" training method may have yielded a lot of nostalgia moments, it seemed off-kilter with Grogu...almost like a bit of child abuse there. The "choice" Luke offers at the end is a stilted one. Grogu is a CHILD. Of course, he's going to go for the warm, familiar good-time daddy Mando, not the scary, trauma-inducing light saber he associates with what was likely the most frightening moment in his life. it was just weird.

* And finally, it wasn't the deep-fakery that distracted me about Luke's appearance. It was the black outfit that looked sharp, clean and perfect at all times. Running, jumping, walking through a bamboo forest...nothing sticks! Talk about wash-n-wear! At least in the old-school ESB, he got dirty and broke a sweat.

I dunno...I don't WANT to feel this way. but SW is starting to feel more and more mechanical and less inspired. I want to believe that these people are going to tell a good, compelling story with Kenobi and not just resort to stunt casting and nostalgia-gotcha moments and that Andor will be as interesting as Rogue One was when it hit. Ashoka is going to be another huge cartoon-to-live action fit, stacked to the max with girl power. And the Acolyte is of no interest to me at all.

Could the moment be coming where Star Wars is finally slipping away to complete irrelevance like Marvel is? I'd like to hope not, but my faith is fading...
Cause Disney for some reason has re-imagined Luke as a colossal failure.

Luke never followed Jedi dogma, to the contrary, he denied them and followed his own path. Rushed to save his fiends, refused to give up on his father.
In doing so, keeping his personal attachment to his friends, his sister, and his father those he loved, he saved the galaxy, and brought about the return of the Jedi his way.
That is Luke.

Disney does not see or know the character. This is a different character.
And if he does not allow Grogu to choose both, it betrays everything Luke learned, experienced, and was.

For some Lucasfilm employees it's a lack of understanding. For others it's a mission of destruction, so they can "build back better".
what about the Han appearance tease
Which makes you wonder what the point of an appearance would be. Just a cameo to get him in there? Maybe to do what they should have done in the ST, have Han, Luke and Leia all together? Perhaps bringing Ben to the academy?
For some Lucasfilm employees it's a lack of understanding. For others it's a mission of destruction, so they can "build back better".
Pretty much nailed that. Lots of money wasted on stupid, that's for sure.
Yes "The Book of Boba Fett" is a ridiculous title at this point.

Even Fennec was all "okay now that we have two actual badasses we might be able to make some progress here..."
The two best episodes of the Book of Boba Fett didn't have Boba Fett in it. I hope he stays away from the season finale. 😆
If it is the same Luke as the ST then I have a message for everyone.

How’s everyone doing tonight…good…ok good that’s always nice to hear isn’t ajp…no seriously it really warms my heart.

Anyways back to my message…..

Why would this not be "the same Luke as the ST?" It looked like the spider droids were building the temple that Ben Solo would later destroy.
* While Luke's "one size fits all" training method may have yielded a lot of nostalgia moments, it seemed off-kilter with Grogu... The "choice" Luke offers at the end is a stilted one.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Luke's "choice" is a trick.

In the end, Grogu will be able to have both his token of family and his trusty lightsaber.

Luke's lesson: in order to have balance, there must be two things -- thus, lightsaber for his duty and the armor for his love.

When Grogu learns that "choice" is a trick, then he has mastered balance.

There endth the lesson.