Yep and he'll be narrating in a British, scholarly voice, lol.
I am a puppet.

Yep and he'll be narrating in a British, scholarly voice, lol.
It is creepy that you have old and young Kenobi encouraging Rey.. two ghosts of the same guyWell you hear Ahsoka's voice encouraging Rey along yo all the other dead Jedi so I'm guessing that she isn't alive during the ST.
That never happened.Well you hear Ahsoka's voice encouraging Rey along with all the other dead Jedi so I'm guessing that she isn't alive during the ST.
Don't forget Tobey Maguire Obi-Wan.It is creepy that you have old and young Kenobi encouraging Rey.. two ghosts of the same guy![]()
This is getting out of hand. Now, there are two of them!It is creepy that you have old and young Kenobi encouraging Rey.. two ghosts of the same guy![]()
Well it didn't hold up in Ben Solo's case, lol.When people start hearing lots of voices in their head, they are a Jedi...? Can that work in court?
Lucas is still high IMO when it comes to his opening crawl explanation. Nobody can ever change my mind about itOnly Master Grogu knows.
You realize that it is Old Grogu who is telling all these Star Wars tales of "a long time ago" to the future children of the galaxy... like the Max's Feral Kid.
It looked the spider droids might have been clear-cutting the landscape to make way for the temples, Isengard-style, lol.Um, you do realize that this planet where Luke is building a temple to train Jedi is NOT Ahch-To, the planet where he was found on his little island in the ST? That said, it doesn't look like the area where Luke's temple was in his TLJ flashbacks, not unless Ben/Kylo and TKOR torched the entire landscape.
All JJ and Disney ..Lucas knew better than doing this.This is getting out of hand. Now, there are two of them!![]()
“ Never his mind …on where he was…hmm..what he was doing “Luke had no choice on Dagobah. He was bullied and harassed and made to feel small.
Any of this sound familiar?
That is why you fail!
Not ready is he!
You are too old!
You are not ready!
Remember your failure!
*not afraid* -- You will be!
” You are Reckless!”
I keep asking this question, here and elsewhere, and it has yet to be answered:what about the Han appearance tease
I keep asking this question, here and elsewhere, and it has yet to be answered:
Can anyone tell me exactly what reason Han Solo would have to show up in this show? None....? I'm thinking, none? Is he friends with anyone here? Does he generally hang out with bounty hunters? Are he and Fett besties? Is he chummy with any - ANY - criminal empires? [No, they all want him carbonited or worse]? I know Beilert Valance is in love with him or something, but is Valance even here? No.
Everyone acts like Fett and Solo are Siamese twins or something: you dont see one without the other. From whence does this ideation spring? You dont see this pairing in the movies, nor the novels, nor the comics. In all of these instances, Solo is fleeing Fett like the rest of us flee the Grim Reaper.
In fact, as far as Solo is concerned Fett IS the Grim Reaper.
I kind of answered earlier. Not sure why Fett and Solo would ever interact without hostility when they are in proximity of each other.Which makes you wonder what the point of an appearance would be. Just a cameo to get him in there? Maybe to do what they should have done in the ST, have Han, Luke and Leia all together? Perhaps bringing Ben to the academy?
I don't think it was supposed to be two different ghosts.All JJ and Disney ..Lucas knew better than doing this.
JJ just wanted fanservice clearly forgetting about moral knowledge of doing this