Wow. I've been working a lot the last 2 weeks with a lot of location stuff. This thread exploded and was hard to keep up with. Watched the episode, got through the comments:
Cobb Vanth/Pykes/Jawas are about the only part of this episode I liked.
The Jawas are always fun, mainly because Disney hasn't tried to make them sympathetic or 'complex' yet.
From Day One I've found Cobb Vanth both overrated and out of place in Star Wars, even though I think Olyphant is a good actor they've gone from Western genre references to hamfisted mimicry. So dumbed down.
I like Dawson's physicality; but IMO she just doesn't have the presence of the Armorer, say, or the Client to be all-knowing and mysterious.

... Dawson's Ahsoka keeps getting pushed as wise and mysterious but she can't sell it. Although the Armorer is from a Dungeons & Dragons video game and makes no damn sense either.
The Client ... was an amazing Imperial.
Usually I would have been happy to see Mando and Grogu, but this just felt kinda pedestrian. Way too much Luke; and rehash. It just didn't work for me. Plus I sort of had the feeling of whiplash, tho maybe it's supposed to feel like a lot of time has passed since Luke picked up Grogu. First it's really important that Grogu be trained; for the Child's survival if nothing else. But then Grogu still seems childlike but he's getting a big choice dropped in front of him? So assuming he's a fail at the Jedi thing, supposedly he's trained up enough now to leave Luke anyway?
When I first saw Luke and heard that Williams music I felt nostalgic delight, but soon realized I can just go watch ESB instead. And the writing is weak as ever. There are times Luke is just kinda mean to Grogu, a character that can't decide what it is other than cute. Luke chides him like a much older child, but the damn thing can't even talk yet -- then he unlocks a brutally traumatic memory, brushes it off with a 'welcome back' ...
then he hits him with a hardass choice. Why not slap him around a bit while you're at it? Guess he has the Remote for that.
The implications of how deep fakes could be used and how convincing they can be is scary.
Unintended consequences indeed.
The choice set up for Grogu was cruel, and its going to backfire. Probably not right now, but years later. Calling it now: Grogu is going to leave Jedi training. He's a Force-user, going to end up with almost no training, out in the wild. This won't end well.
That would be the logical endpoint, but Star Wars worries not about that.
Cad Bane: Meh. Those prosthetics look bad, fite me. They do.
I thought he looked good, but ...
Bane and Vanth belong in Firefly, not Star Wars.
IDK, Luke even said it was more like he was
helping Grogu remember how to use his powers than he was actually training/teaching him. Seems like Grogu has some Force-related PTSD too, which I believe Ahsoka alluded to in her Mando episode (not THIS S3 episode, last season's lol). Keep in mind that while Grogu is young for his species, he still may be older than Luke and have more training than he does.
Fair enough but emotionally and verbally the little green cuss is a baby and Luke was kinda mean to him.
Yeah. Also it bothered me that from Mando finale, I sort of had the impression Luke, emotionally scarred and more mature, was rather commanding. Here he's asking Ahsoka for reassurance.
He regressed to Whiny Lil' Luke when talking to her at the end.
Surprised no one has yet made note of the fact that everyone's favorite MILF Garsa has now been reduced to her component molecules.
I wouldn't be surprised if she cleverly/miraculously survives. She saw what was about to happen. Plenty of time to duck or activate a personal shield or get very lucky.
Cara Dune was a female ass kicker who was actually believable.
As for Cobb Vanth, have you ever watched Justified or Deadwood? Those shows would give you some insight into how perfectly he plays characters in this type of genre.
For sure, but as written he belongs in Firefly.
Shouldn't Luke have some political power after the defeat of Palpatine and the downfall of the Empire?
I don't know why he'd want it.
I don't think they're there yet, but from the looks of it, I think within ten years, it will be possible to make movies and shows with the original characters.
Terrible. It's very difficult to get original content as it is. If that comes to pass entertainment will become a bland, endless loop.
I wish they would tone down the western look. It is too obvious (like the Vespa kids are reminiscent of Happy Days for the 50s/60s look - I almost expect a cyborg Fonzie to appear). IMO it clashes too much with the design of the Tatooine from the movies.
Firefly. This show has an identity crisis.
Well I think it's because this idea of no attachments is alien to most humans. That whole philosophy itself seems confusing and contradictory.
George's in-universe philosophy is a confusing mish-mash of ideas embodied in Eastern traditions like Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism etc.
The real-world concepts such as interbeing, non-attachment, compassion and impermanence -- amongst others -- can be complex and overlapping when delved into, but they're well thought out, experiential concepts. Even internally there are sometimes multiple paths, off the top of my head (I could be wrong) Theravada Buddhism requires total eschewment of the mundane world to achieve enlightenment, but Mahayana says it's possible for everyone who embodies certain core tenets. Anyway, Lucas was never a great writer and borrows imperfectly with flawed execution, but I get where he's coming from, to a certain degree.
Well said. I certainly won't defend George's execution of Jedi philosophy in the prequels. But I don't think we should throw the baby out with the bath water as a result. The underlying concepts are fine, IMO, and should be expanded upon by people like Filoni, rather than undone.
I tend to think Filoni will only further complicate and make a hash of Lucas' already messy narrative.
Fett disintegrating Bane where he stands would be so awesome, and such a redemptive step not only for him, but for this whole series that we have exactly 0% chance of that happening.
There's no redemption possible here.
Hopefully they don't do something boring like having both sides face each other out in the desert over flat sand.
Almost a certainy.
How the hell does the Naboo starfighter land? I don't see no landing gear and it just doesn't sit on the ground. It looks like it is just suspended in the air with no consistent motion of it actually hovering. Probably the same issue from TPM.
They do have landing gear ... I wasn't paying attention to whether or not they showed it.
[RE: Ahsoka trope etc.] : Dunno what it is with these grown men coming up with stuff like this.
These are fantasy females for men who never really grew up.
Filoni created her to be none of those things.
And yet that's demonstrably what she became on his watch.
I really like how Luke took a lot of Yoda's sayings and made them his own ("You're trying too hard, don't try, just jump") but always with a compassion and softness seemingly different from prior Jedi Masters.
"Come on, that's all you got?" to a wee toddler who can't even speak.
It honestly somewhat bothered me seeing something that cold in a kid's show, lol. But it certainly helps you love to hate Bane.
Clone Troopers also burned alive onscreen in that show and screamed as they got blown out of airlocks by droids to asphyxiate in space, so ...