*sighs* My thoughts are many, and not yet fully in order. Admittedly that can be a problem at the best of times.
Overall, it was not as bad as it COULD have been. It could have been worse!
*Fett finally, at last and about time too, fires a weapon, uses his jetpack, knee rockets etc. Almost I had forgotten he had them.
*Mando AND Fett jetpackin' around aka the high ground. I was honestly surprised to see this, I would have thought such was not allowed.
*Ok, those droids were terrifying and I dont care if Skynet teleported them in, those things were nightmare fuel.
*I DONT HAVE ENOUGH HANDS for all the handwaving needed re Grogu's return. I love Grogu but that was just.... "Ok Artoo, just fly him around the planet till you find Mando." Was that the plan?!! WTF REALLY, LUKE
*Boba and Mando in the Sanctuary, discussing how they will fall with honor, because This IS The Way. THIS IS WHY THERE ARE LIKE 3 MANDOS LEFT IN THE UNIVERSE, YOU NINNYHAMMERS. No, DYING NEEDLESSLY IS NOT THE WAY. Freckin' idiots! I wanted to ring both their helmets with my fist.
*Mod girl, stfu. Mom and Dad are talking.
*I literally laughed out loud when Fett killed Bane. He had that coming for disrespecting Jango. Just for that alone. Its been decades and Fett finally got to kill him. The gaffi stick was poetic justice. Yes, downvote away, I said it! Bane died and this was highly enjoyable. [But is he really dead, you know how it is....]
*No Ahsoka. Im surprised. I'm surprised it wasnt her showing up on the rancor. You just know Filoni was pouting in a corner over it, too.
*The rancor thing was cringe, but not as bad as I feared.
*WTF is that guy gonna do to Vanth...?! Smart money says he's coming out of this with a cybernetic arm, like all the cool kids have. BUT WHY
*Fennec: kicking ass and taking names like always.
*That'll learn ya to trust Trandoshans. Never trust that bunch.
*Season 2 incoming.