The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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I did enjoy seeing him fight alongside Mando. Don't know why it took the whole season to see him being a bad ass. If he shows up again I hope he's just regulated to a supporting character in Mando. He doesn't need his own show. He can't carry it. Fennec was also a bad ass with her assassination scene but she is also only good as a supporting character too. I like the Wookie Bounty Hunter and wouldn't mind seeing him again. The Vespa Mod gang is still stupid as hell and I hope they don't ruin Cobb Vanth with whatever crap they are planning to do with him and the mod artist.
I found that Star Wars is a lot more fun when you don't take it too seriously and analyze the s**t out of it. :lol Just about every franchise ( including the OT) can be ripped apart if you put in the effort. BOBF was not perfect, but overall it was fun and the finale was a blast -very much in the spirit of the Star Wars (OT) that I grew up with. I'll be the first to admit that I hate the ST but the good thing is, no one is forcing me to watch it.
The finale and ep. 6 had so many elements that I loved especially the scenes with Cad Bane - which was such a great nod to the Clint Eastwood, Man With No Name trilogy (which are among my favorite movies of all time).
I previously mentioned how awesome I thought the Mando/Fett jetpack assault, Krrsantan and Rancor Rampage was, but after a second viewing last night with my wife and son I noticed how much Grogu taming the Rancor was right up there with Yoda moving Luke's X-Wing in ESB.
I will admit the first four episodes have plenty that I will just skim through in the future, but the last three episodes are 100% rewatchable start to finish - especially the finale imo.
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I found that Star Wars is a lot more fun when you don't take it too seriously and analyze the **** out of it. :lol

I found that Star Wars is a lot more fun when you don't take it too seriously and analyze the **** out of it. :lol Just about every franchise ( including the OT) can be ripped apart if you put in the effort. BOBF was not perfect, but overall it was fun and the finale was a blast -very much in the spirit of the Star Wars (OT) that I grew up with. I'll be the first to admit that I hate the ST but the good thing is, no one is forcing me to watch it.
The finale and ep. 6 had so many elements that I loved especially the scenes with Cad Bane - which was such a great nod to the Clint Eastwood, Man With No Name trilogy ( which are among my favorite movies of all time).
I previously mentioned how awesome I thought the Mando/Fett jetpack assault, Krrsantan and Rancor Rampage was, but after a second viewing last night with my wife and son I noticed how much Grogu taming the Rancor was right up there with Yoda moving Luke's X-Wing in ESB.
I will admit the first four episodes have plenty that I will just skim through in the future, but the last three episodes are 100% rewatchable start to finish - especially the finale imo.

I am hoping the passage of time will let me be a little more objective about the whole thing. Still forever gonna skip episode 4? though. I will never be needing to see Fett bouncing Slave 1 off the hangar walls again. A ship he has been flying since like, age 10.
Yeah she hung up that mayor punisher style neck snap and all lol
It may not have been intentional, but it really feels like the writers were ridiculing their own depiction of Boba with that scene, as Fennec finally got fed up with him being so damn soft and took matters into her own hands.

And of course it just further reinforces how much lamer Boba is now in comparison.
For me, it's not so much about just the level of quality. Nothing that happened in the show itself makes me angry, because I can (and do) just ignore it and leave it out of my personal version of the Star Wars story. I'm always fully aware that there will be SW content that I find to be bad; that's unavoidable. But the bad used to be bad with a sincere effort to be good. This show, however, had aspects of stupidity that I refuse to believe were written in good faith. It was just lazy and careless. With any other franchise, I'd roll my eyes and just appreciate that I can enjoy laughing at it. But with Star Wars, it hurts.

I love this franchise so much that I would actually pay to have the opportunity to write an episode of a SW show. Yet these guys *got paid* and decided to just phone it in with conveniences, contrivances, contradictions, and total nonsense. Seeing them take the honor and privilege of working on something that we grew up adoring and then doing a half-assed job of writing it is what prevents me from being able to just laugh at it and roll with the punches.

Just think about the level of love and careful attention to detail that *you,* Khev, would've put into it if you had the honor and privilege to write a canon series or movie. Then maybe you'll better understand exactly where I'm coming from. I know that it's an irrational and insane level of regard for a fictional franchise, but it is what it is. Too many years in the bank now to be able to change.
Yes I definitely get where you're coming from, though I personally am not convinced that the shortcomings of this show were the result of a lack of good faith in the writing. To me this series plays like two guys who really leaned into the notion of bringing a typical session of two kids playing with their action figures in the backyard to life but just got carried away. And it definitely would have been nice if a lot of the sloppiness of such a 1:1 translation to the screen had been tightened up to sync better with what most fans were expecting (myself included) but again speaking only for myself no harm no foul. Well no major harm anyway, I'd be lying if I said that before this show aired I wasn't hoping that it'd reconcile TM Fett with OT Fett but alas that didn't happen.

And for as much fun as I ended up having with this show of course I recognize that it didn't need to be either/or with regard to syncing up better with Fett's previously established character AND giving us over the top/off the rails action figure-esque adventures. But compartmentalization is a wonderful thing and so I'll just let this show be a continuation of the young PT Fett who in TCW never really seemed "all in" with regard to the ruthlessness of his chosen profession, despite going down that road for a time as Cad Bane was eager to remind us, lol.
Overall I give the series a 7/10.

A few things that bothered me:

1) Boba Fett always taking his helmet off.
2) No real time reference. How long was he in the Sarlacc and with the Tuskens?
3) Episodes 5 and 6. I wanted Boba Fett not Din Djarin.
4) The designs of the Mods.

I'm very happy that they didn't try to rewrite Fett's history from the OT. Boba Fett's motivates for wanting to be his own boss honestly make sense to me. If you've ever worked in an office with middle management you've 100% felt the same.

I think too with Fett being an established and popular character it was going to be hard to please everyone. With Din Djarin being a new character he has far more leeway with story telling and development but I understand the criticism.
Yeah she hung up that mayor punisher style neck snap and all lol
I think I would have preferred that the Rancor eat the faction leaders as a payoff to the earlier dinner scene. It would have been cool if they were arguing in that hut with the mayor and then one of them said "well let's go take out Fett it's not like we have to worry about his stupid pet outside the palace" and then crash the roof gets ripped off and they all crap their pants as the Rancor starts scooping them up and devouring them.

BUT...I'll take what we got over Fennec staying with Fett and stealing his thunder left and right during the final battle in the city.
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This show was bad mostly because of Robert rodriguez which style did not fit at all with Star Wars since the Mandalorian episode and the bad writing of Favreu.

In the end, it's all Favreu's fault in this case, as he was the one who trusted Rodriguez's work, just as KK trusted JJ's work.

Brice Dallas Howard and Filoni tried to save what they could but in the end the whole show was doomed to just be a mediocre TV series.

When people start to understand what each worker does in an audiovisual production, they will stop embarrassing themselves by attacking those who have nothing to do with it and will start making cohesive criticism about something that they dont like.
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THESE TWO ARE GLORIOUS TOGETHER, I dont care what anyone says. Fite me.
Can't possibly my favorite thing in the finale:love. That, and Grogu/Mando. Tho there is stuff I like such as Mando taking the opportunity to use the Darksaber. Plus I liked when the male bonded to die fighting. This is the Way.

Stuff I cringe at, like the Candy Riders. The garish colors and mall rat look + not incredibly useful cybernetics.:stake:pfft:
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Just remember the type of show you were hoping you would get and compare it with the bantha poodu we were just served. Don’t try and compartmentalise it away, it’s not even consistent with the last season of the mandalorian. This was TFA and TROS levels of bad (just without the lens flare) and belongs with them. This show is an abomination when you think about it objectively, it’s supposed to be about that mysterious, ruthless and deadly bounty hunter we saw in ESB and Mando season2 (save for getting thrown by that 100lb girl). Search your feelings you know it to be true
It is wild to me that they somehow convinced Pedro, an arguably bigger star, to take a role that's 95% helmeted, but couldn't do the same for Tem (no offence to him). It would have been an easier job for him, even.
Do we know if it was his choice or not? He already said he wanted to cut his lines to add to the mystery, can't imagine him wanting the helmet off at every opportunity based on that.

I'm convinced Favreau didn't actually write these. He got the credit but somebody (sucky) ghost-wrote the actual episodes from a loose outline he gave them. He was probably too busy with the Mando episodes to even bother overseeing the rest.

Maybe he's sitting in Hollywood as horrified as we were every week with what he's just seen and the fact that his name was slapped on it.

Or maybe he really did phone it in that bad.
I read both Favreau and Rodriguez were Snyder fans
