ajp is not as forgiving as I am, no question about that but I respect that. He and many others know what SW is capable of being and want it to remain at that level especially when it comes to Legacy characters. Daniel Logan all but single-handedly ruined the entire PT for me so I can definitely relate.
At the same time I never really outgrew my love for Saturday morning cartoon antics and the hilarity that can ensue even when they bleed into more "respectable" narratives. I guess the Holiday Special, Ewok movies, Droid cartoon and even ROTJ itself conditioned me early on to be more accepting of such things in SW. All I ask is that when they do delve into such zaniness that they go all in and holy crap that they did, lol.
As awesome as Episodes 5 and 6 were I know for a fact that their rewatchability won't hold a candle to the finale, at least for me, lol.