The Boys TV Series (Amazon)

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I think the season is absolutely fantastic so far. The ice rink scene was soooooo great, plus it's great to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan pop up.
Yeah from Hughie playing McClane in the vents to Maeve being cut in half and then Starlight's fingers being sliced off, I need to watch it again.
So far so good, though yeah, Frenchie's storyline feels random and is quite frankly just boring. Really hope JDM's character isn't just in Butcher's head like so many are theorizing.
I watched the rest of the available episodes, and the show is still decent enough but I'm not really digging how on the nose the political commentary has become

I couldn't help but groan when they had Homelander say "libtards".
Did these idiots not know frenchie was gay?

NYPD Blue came out in the early 90s. It was a huge hit. Lots of critical acclaim. High production values, very advanced writing for it's time, was willing to cover tough issues relative to what was going on culturally given the time and place. This was also pre 9/11, so the "tone" was much different than current modern prestige television.

James McDaniel played Lt. Fancy on NYPD Blue. He was in the main cast but effectively a minor character. He was played by, IMHO, a relatively mediocre actor as well. The character set up served as a practical deflection point. You had a "minority" on the show, but in powerful leadership position, but one that could easily be sidelined in the practical narrative. Essentially it was the showrunner and producers "checking a box" so as to appear progressive and inclusive. Had the actor been more talented or did more with the storylines he got, maybe his role could have been expanded. The Lt. Fancy character was a way to stave off criticism when there were more demands for diversity in leadership positions on television ( Homicide Life On The Streets cut a bit of new ground where much of it's leadership structure was black males, but it was also set in Baltimore, etc, etc, and this created a peer pressure situation in the casual viewer perception)

The Frenchie storyline is a deflection. It's a jarring shift from where the character was taken in the previous three seasons. There's almost no set up for it from previous seasons. It also contradicts a lot of the arc with Kimiko. But it's a B level storyline and subplot that will likely go close to nowhere, but it checks a box.

I believe more prestige level television will head this way. There's top down pressure, also from advertisers, to have "inclusive" characters and storylines. They'll be put into B and C level arcs and then left alone. I don't see this as an agenda, I see it as the cost of doing business in current times in the industry. Effectively, it would help if fans of The Boys would simply see it like a tax. Because identity politics in modern television actually is punitive like a tax.

JJ Abrams Lost was a demographic shotgun. They had a heavy guy who was not great looking. The grifter cowboy who was a homeless man's version of Han Solo. The beautiful female lead who was in a love triangle. A black father and his son. A disabled guy in a wheelchair. An Asian couple. A guy literally from the Republican Guard. They had a Hobbit too. Checking boxes. It happens.

The core of the show is Homelander. As long as his A storylines and arcs work, then the show will probably end up OK. The Frenchie storyline doesn't bother me one bit. I see it as a tax. Just like if someone was a fan of NYPD Blue, then they would come to terms, most of them, that any actor could have played Lt Fancy and it wouldn't have made one bit of difference. This is like a suburban soccer mom buying her screaming kids a few toys at Target just to get them to shut up because she wants silence as she picks up laundry detergent.

How many of you have ever worked in a place where someone passed the hat around for someone's birthday, or baby shower or wedding? Or everyone felt compelled to put 10 bucks in to the hat for a birthday gift for someone in charge? You could choose to not put in the 5 dollars or 10 dollars. Or you could choose to say "No", then someone is selling raffle tickets for their kid's school whatever, but there is always an element of pure extortion to it. If you don't, you'll eventually be "That Guy" Because people are like that. Most people are that petty and greedy. When you have widespread extortion that becomes socially acceptable, then it's rationalized eventually as a nuisance tax.

The best thing anyone can do who finds the extortion offensive, is to simply not watch nor engage the production/item/merchandise in question, or just fast forward through it. This is one of those cases where it's only extortion if you give it substance in your own head. And I say this as someone who could literally care less about what people do in their private bedrooms. People with agendas, if they exist, fear being ignored. Because nearly all of the time, those people are boring and lazy. If someone had something interesting to share, say or produce, they wouldn't need to try to cancel other people. If someone was truly well liked and respected in their workplace, people wouldn't need to be shamed to put 5 bucks or 10 bucks into a hat for some wedding or birthday that has nothing to do with them.

Something I learned with my little nephew is you can force a kid to eat broccoli. But you can't convince him that it tastes good. And if you think you can convince a little kid of that, then what does it say about you?
I think the season is absolutely fantastic so far. The ice rink scene was soooooo great, plus it's great to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan pop up.

I literally whooped at the screen. "Whoop whoop!". Love that man.
I'm a bit disappointed with this season so far. As others have stated, I feel it has gone from being sarcastic and satirical in its social commentary to being blunt and on the nose, and it suffers for it, because it starts to become preachy. We'll see how it evolves. Thankfully, Homelander's and Butcher's arcs still seem solid.
Idk what all the fuss is abt. It is the weakest season thusfar, yes. Is it bad? No, I’m still very much being entertained. We’re also only 3 episodes in. They’re setting up new storylines, they need time to develop.

I feel like the outrage is mostly coming from all the small “controversies” small minded people made up around the show. Starlight’s plastic surgery, MM losing weight (which they literally address, it’s because of stress), Ryans voice is being mocked when the poor boy is just going through puberty, of course Frenchie being “gay”.

First of all, did everyone just forget about Frenchies boyfriend the first season? He was with a guy that OD’d and died and it was heavily implied it was romantic. I also remember Frenchies sexuality being brought up before and he was always bisexual. I do understand Colin came out of nowhere so him instantly falling in love within the first 10 minutes of ep 1 was a bit jarring. But Kimiko and Frenchie have already established last season that they’re too traumatised to be in a relationship. Frenchie and Colin are pretty cute together, but their relationship needs more time in the oven for me to really care. But I certainly don’t mind it.

Can’t help but feel like some people are upset abt being mocked. I do agree the show is losing its “shine” a bit, they’re reusing old tropes and it feels like we’re just running in circles. I very much felt like that with Season 3 especially. However, the next season will be the grande finale so surely it will pick up soon. We just need to have a bit of faith imo.

The episodes were still fun but I didn’t like that dancing on ice scene. It was so in your face shock value. Im getting kind of numb to it. Homelander killing Maeve was pretty cool. But the iceskaters slicing eachothers throats looked like something out of an edgy adult cartoon.
Idk what all the fuss is abt. It is the weakest season thusfar, yes. Is it bad? No, I’m still very much being entertained. We’re also only 3 episodes in. They’re setting up new storylines, they need time to develop.

I feel like the outrage is mostly coming from all the small “controversies” small minded people made up around the show. Starlight’s plastic surgery, MM losing weight (which they literally address, it’s because of stress), Ryans voice is being mocked when the poor boy is just going through puberty, of course Frenchie being “gay”.

First of all, did everyone just forget about Frenchies boyfriend the first season? He was with a guy that OD’d and died and it was heavily implied it was romantic. I also remember Frenchies sexuality being brought up before and he was always bisexual. I do understand Colin came out of nowhere so him instantly falling in love within the first 10 minutes of ep 1 was a bit jarring. But Kimiko and Frenchie have already established last season that they’re too traumatised to be in a relationship. Frenchie and Colin are pretty cute together, but their relationship needs more time in the oven for me to really care. But I certainly don’t mind it.

Can’t help but feel like some people are upset abt being mocked. I do agree the show is losing its “shine” a bit, they’re reusing old tropes and it feels like we’re just running in circles. I very much felt like that with Season 3 especially. However, the next season will be the grande finale so surely it will pick up soon. We just need to have a bit of faith imo.

The episodes were still fun but I didn’t like that dancing on ice scene. It was so in your face shock value. Im getting kind of numb to it. Homelander killing Maeve was pretty cool. But the iceskaters slicing eachothers throats looked like something out of an edgy adult cartoon.
You admit so many issues with the show yet do not know what all the fuss is about? I think you answered your own question about why people aren't enjoying the show this season. It isn't that people are small minded bigots, it is the show dipped in quality in many ways. Yes, it is only the first couple episodes and it may improve later but SO FAR the shows writing has suffered badly.

My wife is very non political, she is non partisan and just want's to be entertained, she watches tons of stuff many would call woke or whatever. She loved the Boys seasons 1-3 and for months and months has been asking "is season 4 coming yet??". She has completely given up on season 4 already. She no longer cares about the show due to this seasons writing. She simply said "I am bored of it".

It may not be anywhere near the worst thing ever but it isn't great so far an dI would argue it is kinda bad. That is why the audience is turning on it.
You admit so many issues with the show yet do not know what all the fuss is about? I think you answered your own question about why people aren't enjoying the show this season. It isn't that people are small minded bigots, it is the show dipped in quality in many ways. Yes, it is only the first couple episodes and it may improve later but SO FAR the shows writing has suffered badly.

My wife is very non political, she is non partisan and just want's to be entertained, she watches tons of stuff many would call woke or whatever. She loved the Boys seasons 1-3 and for months and months has been asking "is season 4 coming yet??". She has completely given up on season 4 already. She no longer cares about the show due to this seasons writing. She simply said "I am bored of it".

It may not be anywhere near the worst thing ever but it isn't great so far an dI would argue it is kinda bad. That is why the audience is turning on it.
Season 4 has problems and I acknowlegde that. But were still early in the season, they can still turn it around. Despite everything I’m still enjoying it. Butcher, Hughie and Homelanders archs are still going strong and they are the heart of the show.
Wait. Just how big is Frenchie and Collins agegap if he was just a small boy when Frenchie murdered his parents?
This episode was awesome. Feel like there wouldnt have been nearly as much complaints about the first 3 episodes if they released it at the same time as this one