Finally got to upload some pics...
Wait, were those the pic comparisons of the 6" line to the LOTR ones? If so, Tauriel is completely under scale.
I think too many people expected this line to somehow match perfectly with the LOTR line. Like somehow BD went into a time-machine and got ahold of Toy Biz and they collaborated on these.
Sometimes it sounds like the Star Wars OT people who think if it's not Vintage, it's crap. These were never meant to carry-on the LOTR line. And as the first real 4" and 6" action figure line that this company has ever tried, I'd say they did a really good job. Yea, they're no Toy Biz yet, but give them time.
I'm watching this line with great interest.
Actually...a couple of the ORIGINAL Toybiz developers now work within Bridge Direct (unless I mistakenly read some of the press release info on this line). So...some of the expectations are completely justified...I think. If they had some of the Toybiz team within the development structure of BD, you'd at least assume that they would have kept scale on par with previous releases.
Having most of these I really think these are on par with the toy biz stuff.
Even if the whole design team is the same, they're still limited by all kinds of factors - license issues, production costs, management team, etc. The world is not the same as it was ten years ago and neither are our toys. I mean, realistically, I can't think of a single toy line that was out ten years ago that another company tried to copy, imitate, or otherwise coincide with today.
Actually, there is one company that rose above the lot, and pwned everybody else. Even Sideshow had to yield to their vastly superior releases and partner with them: Hot Toys.
Can you imagine Hot Toys making figures from The Hobbit? I would be collecting that like fly on rice!