The Chris Chulamanis Memorial Custom USCM Figure Project

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was also thinking do you think there is any merit in getting hold of the stunning lamps and motion tracker with a mod done by Hurricane ? adding that lighting to the figure would just be awesome ? what do people think....
First of all - BUMP - because this thread needs to stay in the forefront [at least] until the figure is completed.
Secondly, the head is on its way to you Les and the rest of the uni, etc is on its way to you Josh.
Sorry for the delays, let's get back on track grunts!! :monkey3
was also thinking do you think there is any merit in getting hold of the stunning lamps and motion tracker with a mod done by Hurricane ? adding that lighting to the figure would just be awesome ? what do people think....

I have the feeling that adding lighting would just add extra cost and time to the project. The purpose isn't to make the ultimate marine figure, but rather to make one that would be a fitting tribute to the man.
Chris wore a helmet cover also. For 05 he had a painted helmet, but for 06 and 07 he had a helmet cover. As I understand it, as soon as MAA had the helmet covers available, Chris got one.

Does anyone have a cover they could donate? If not, perhaps a shirt that could be converted?

I have a swatch of bdu fabric for making a cover, bought from Chris that I have offered to this project. I dont have the skills to actually make the cover though.
I have a swatch of bdu fabric for making a cover, bought from Chris that I have offered to this project. I dont have the skills to actually make the cover though.

Right on bro! I couldn't remember for sure, and I must confess I didn't look back at the posts...

How I made one for a Vic Morrow from Combat, was take the fabric, cut it in two equal sections. If one has sewing skills, just sew 'em back together.This will give you the correct "look". I don't (Yet, I still say!) so I laid a thin bead of Fabri-Tac glue to join the two pieces.
I then just pulled it as tight as I could over the helmet and glued it to the inside of the helmet, then put the liner back in. Worked out fine. Took about 15 min.

I understand the head is on it's way! :rock Thanks Ironman!
I will keep you guys updated on my progress as I can. Thanks Hollis for the pics. I will do my best with this.
I have a swatch of bdu fabric for making a cover, bought from Chris that I have offered to this project. I dont have the skills to actually make the cover though.

I'll send a PM soon in regard to the helmet cover and the Humbrol paints we discussed earlier. Since I'll be assembling and painting the rest of the helmet I might as well do the cover too, if that's cool. Please give me a day or two to get that PM to you. Thanks! :D

Right on bro! I couldn't remember for sure, and I must confess I didn't look back at the posts...

How I made one for a Vic Morrow from Combat, was take the fabric, cut it in two equal sections. If one has sewing skills, just sew 'em back together.This will give you the correct "look". I don't (Yet, I still say!) so I laid a thin bead of Fabri-Tac glue to join the two pieces.
I then just pulled it as tight as I could over the helmet and glued it to the inside of the helmet, then put the liner back in. Worked out fine. Took about 15 min.


Just wanted to let you know the USCM Rifleman kit arrived safely and I've been going over the instructions. Thanks for getting it sent out so quickly! I'll be extra busy at work the next couple of weeks, but after that things will quiet down for a while, so I can start prepping the kit for assembly. As for the painting, I still have a few things to track down first. I'll begin gathering everything I need over the few weeks so it'll all be on hand when I start building the kit.

Btw, I can make a cover for the helmet if Stendec can send me his piece of camo cloth. I discussed this very issue with Chris last year and he suggested gluing it onto the helmet w/white glue to give it a nice snug fit. I think that would probably look best, and I can add the bullet hole, just like Chris had in his cover, if everyone else agrees.

I'll send a PM soon in regard to the kit itself, with a few questions about the gear Chris wore, so we can discuss what exactly should be included on the final figure. I'll do my best to get a message to you by the end of the week. :D

P.S. Did that Sgt. Saunders figure you made the cover for happen to be the one Dragon made a few years ago? That's still one of my favorites! :cool:
Just wanted to let you know the USCM Rifleman kit arrived safely and I've been going over the instructions. Thanks for getting it sent out so quickly! I'll be extra busy at work the next couple of weeks, but after that things will quiet down for a while, so I can start prepping the kit for assembly. As for the painting, I still have a few things to track down first. I'll begin gathering everything I need over the few weeks so it'll all be on hand when I start building the kit.

Wow! That sure did get there quick!! Cool!

Btw, I can make a cover for the helmet if Stendec can send me his piece of camo cloth. I discussed this very issue with Chris last year and he suggested gluing it onto the helmet w/white glue to give it a nice snug fit. I think that would probably look best, and I can add the bullet hole, just like Chris had in his cover, if everyone else agrees.

Sounds good to me! :D

I'll send a PM soon in regard to the kit itself, with a few questions about the gear Chris wore, so we can discuss what exactly should be included on the final figure. I'll do my best to get a message to you by the end of the week. :D

Sounds good bro, sounds very good!

P.S. Did that Sgt. Saunders figure you made the cover for happen to be the one Dragon made a few years ago? That's still one of my favorites! :cool:

Yes indeed it was! I really like him too. I changed him just a bit from his "Hollywood" Combat look. Not too much, gave him Thompson ammo pouches and suspenders. Much better! :)

The offer is much appreciated! The HT covers are constructed differently from the ones worn in the movie, which were sew from two pieces of cloth, with only one seam running front to back, like the ones worn in Nam. I don't think it'll be too tough a job, even with my rather limited sewing skills, but if I get stuck I'll definitely keep your offer in mind! :D :cool:
Hey Mudshark, I've got a Vietnam era helmet cover from a Dragon figure with the correct one-seam, I can send out with the other stuff to use as reference for making a new one with the bdu cloth.

Hell you can just use this cover if you want, just that the camo pattern is different and it has a peace sing on the side, its up to you guys.

Good cover reference, but Chris had the USCM camo pattern, probably be best to stick to that bro. The bullet "dent", I still have yet to find what he wrote on the one side too. In 06' he had a patch there, and removed it for 07, meant to ask him too...
I agree with you, best stick with the USCM pattern. The cloth will need to be treated to mute the colours in order to look accurate though. This is a (lame) comparison pic of how my EVA bdus looked before and after I stained them with paint to fade.


The camo cloth I have for the helmet cover looks pretty much like the left untreated version now.
Hey Mudshark, I've got a Vietnam era helmet cover from a Dragon figure with the correct one-seam, I can send out with the other stuff to use as reference for making a new one with the bdu cloth.

Hell you can just use this cover if you want, just that the camo pattern is different and it has a peace sing on the side, its up to you guys.

Good cover reference, but Chris had the USCM camo pattern, probably be best to stick to that bro. The bullet "dent", I still have yet to find what he wrote on the one side too. In 06' he had a patch there, and removed it for 07, meant to ask him too...

Thanks guys, for the kind offers regarding the helmet cover! As a matter of fact, I happen to have a real Vietnam era camo cover on hand for construction reference, in addition to some good clips from the movie itself. Better yet, I found what I believe is a pic of the actual USCM camo cover Chris wore, complete with bullet hole and personal graffiti... which is actually a quote from the movie. Can anyone guess what it is? Here's a hint... it's one of Hudson's classic wise cracks (what else?). Just think, which quip do you suppose Chris would've put on his helmet cover? You probably know already! :monkey1
I'l guess . . "how do I get outta this chicken **** outfit?" lol

On the Aliens imdb board people always complain about Hudson being an annoyance . .I think he is an absolute classic character and my fav in the movie.
I'l guess . . "how do I get outta this chicken **** outfit?" lol

On the Aliens imdb board people always complain about Hudson being an annoyance . .I think he is an absolute classic character and my fav in the movie.

And we have.... the WINNAH!

"What is it... private?"

"How do I get outta this chicken**** outfit?"

(Classic Hudson. What else could it have possibly been?)
Hey cool :chew:chew:chew

I wouldnt fancy trying to write that on the helmet cover at such a small scale though lol I had a hard enough time wiht the calander on Hudsons helmet.

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