The Cool T-Shirt Thread

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Never heard of it? What channel?
Is it reality TV.....i don't do reality tv. :cool:

Cept maybe for So you think you can dance! :chew

It isn't really "reality TV" in the current sense of the word.

More like a cross between a documentary, and "Antiques Roadshow". Basically a couple of guys that go from place to place looking for old antiques and junk that they can flip and sell. It runs alongside "Pawn Stars" on the History Channel -- with a similar concept.



Both are nice, but not sure they're $30 nice. :panic:
Sometimes you gotta pay the price to be the person wearing a dope shirt. :cool:

Cheap bastards. :D


Tru dat!

Although living in Milwaukee, I have never seen anyone outside of my group of friends wearing a Teefury or Threadless or any of those other shirts. I am pretty rare in my area I think.

I did get ONE comment though on my Morgans Lab shirt, some girl saw it on facebook.
Lol...Absolutely correct. I hate spending that money on a dress shirt for work. TeeFury and Ript have made me into a cheap bastid.

Haha yea. That is why I miss my old engineering job, we could wear whatever we wanted to work (within reason obviously). I would wear shorts, sandals and beer shirts to work. It rocked!