The Cool T-Shirt Thread

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It's really awesome....but I don't like the blue. :/
Maybe a green or something.

Sorry, but **** Batman, he had no place in my life in the 80's. Plus, I've been a Spider-Man/Marvel fan since I could wear underoos. :nana:

Now that's a big fail. You should've broadened your horizons. I read just about every comic book I could find when I was a kid. The only book I really didn't care much about was Dr Strange.
Now that's a big fail. You should've broadened your horizons. I read just about every comic book I could find when I was a kid. The only book I really didn't care much about was Dr Strange.
If you say so, I had everything else on that shirt to keep me busy during that time. I did however become a big Batman fan in the late 80's early 90's.

P.S. The REAL FAIL is letting your girlfriend tell you that you can't buy any more shirts, so take your Fail and suck it. :wave :lol
I agree about removing Batman. He really doesnt fit into 80's cartoon/toy vibe of the shirt. I love Batman, but should have been replaced with something more 80's-ish.
You guys are smoking the finest of crack dismissing Batman or lest you forget these beauties that were all over the place in the 80s:


Every kid I knew had the Super Powers toys. The only one that I see being off is the Lego man since most kids I knew (myself included) played with the Legos but less the actual guys which to me seemed to come much later.
:lecture Yep. It's the Super Powers Collection Batman:


Those figures were certainly more a part of my 80s toy collection than a Smurf figure. It belongs there, imho.

Also, mega-props to them for the inclusion of Stretch Armstrong. :rock
Stretch Armstrong? Carl you are off your rocker buddy. :p It goes clockwise: He-Man, Voltron, Hulk Hogan WWF figure, Chewie, Leonardo, Snake Eyes, Lion-O, Super Powers Batman. With the center figures a Smurf, Optimus Prime and a Lego guy.

I remember the Smurfs coming free with stuff back then like the California Raisins...
Ugh. Why did I think Hulk Hogan was Stretch Armstrong? :( My eyes (and that on this shirt) FAIL. :banghead

I suppose Stretch was technically more of a late 70s toy initially (then again, so was Chewbacca), but when did the WWF figures hit big? Weird.

Anyway, since I ordered the shirt I am going to pretend that's Stretch Armstrong instead of Hulk Hogan. :pfft: