The Cool T-Shirt Thread

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The 80s were the heyday for Wrestling. I had that Hulk figure AND a Hulkamaniac t-shirt :lol

I never actually owned a Stretch Armstrong, but we cut my older cousin's open. He was a child of the 70s so that would fit.
I remember wrestling (and Hulkamania, Ultimate Warrior, etc) being big in the mid-80s, but mostly on TV. I don't really recall the toys being all that big. Then again, by then I was entering my teen years. I wasn't into the toys/collecting thing from 1986-1995 ( Yeah, I know... old :( )
Here is the figure referenced I believe. This is the one I had.

Ugh. Why did I think Hulk Hogan was Stretch Armstrong? :( My eyes (and that on this shirt) FAIL. :banghead

I suppose Stretch was technically more of a late 70s toy initially (then again, so was Chewbacca), but when did the WWF figures hit big? Weird.

Anyway, since I ordered the shirt I am going to pretend that's Stretch Armstrong instead of Hulk Hogan. :pfft:

Dont feel bad. I thought it was Stretch too.
Hey. I graduated HS in 1990. Now I don't feel quite as ancient. Thanks! :nana:

(I broke a hip and 67 blood vessels while typing this :hi5: )
I agree about removing Batman. He really doesnt fit into 80's cartoon/toy vibe of the shirt. I love Batman, but should have been replaced with something more 80's-ish.
:lecture :exactly:

I had those toys, but they played no where near as big a role in my childhood as all the others did. They should've put a Robotech Veritech in there instead.
:lecture :exactly:

I had those toys, but they played no where near as big a role in my childhood as all the others did. They should've put a Robotech Veritech in there instead.

The ill Jedi...screwing up cool shirt ideas since, well, yesterday. :lol
The LJN Hulk Hogan was a major staple of my childhood. I think I had about 4-5 things on that shirt. Now to ponder ordering....
The Robotech Veritech is the one thing I would have loved to add to this shirt but I'm cool with what they added. My wife even wanted one because she had some of these and her brother had the others. I didn't graduate high school until 1999 so compared to some of you I'm still a fetus. :lol
My 80s:

Star Wars
G.I. Joe
DC Super Powers
Marvel Secret Wars
Estes Model Rockets
Heavy Metal Music

They should do an "evil" version on a black t-shirt with Megatron in the center surrounded by a garbage pail kid, muscle men, Skeletor, Andre The Giant, Mum-ra, Storm Shadow, Shredder, Vader...etc.
They should do an "evil" version on a black t-shirt with Megatron in the center surrounded by a garbage pail kid, muscle men, Skeletor, Andre The Giant, Mum-ra, Storm Shadow, Shredder...etc.

That is an excellent idea. "Plastic Villains". I like it.
Huh....if they go evil then you'd have to go Skeletor, a Robeast, Andre the Giant, Vader, Shredder, Storm Shadow, Mumm-Ra, Joker and in the center Gargamel, Megatron and what? What is the evil equivalent of a Lego? :lol
Huh....if they go evil then you'd have to go Skeletor, a Robeast, Andre the Giant, Vader, Shredder, Storm Shadow, Mumm-Ra, Joker and in the center Gargamel, Megatron and what? What is the evil equivalent of a Lego? :lol

Actually, Super Powers Luthor was probably the more popular villain figure in that line and might have a more identifiable silhouette as well:
