Got my Tumbler today
It came in relatively good condition (considering everything).. Yoy know the dimesions of the box, you see pictures of the box.. but somehow you don't know how huge the box is untill you see it in person
Batman looks so small watching his new car:
And well as always.. not everything is perfect for me

.. so this little piece on the roof of the Tumbler, came broken:
I can glue it back so not a big deal to me... This thing is as fragil as huge it is.. I'll try to contact the seller and see if is there any chance to get a spare part... and the turbo tube came algo a bit loose.. luckily it will not come off that easy...
So the Tumbler now goes back to the box because I'm moving on the next month or something.
Something I haven't noticed on pictures is there is actually a good paint job on the interior of the Tumbler. It looks like the walls are made from metal.