The wipers move??!!
"Resistance is Futile"
The wipers move??!!
"Resistance is Futile"
Oh, Bruce drove his Tumbler out to see the new DC Bond movie last night, and he was not influenced at all.
Unless it's raining in your house, please don't try and move the wipers, lol.
I foresee a bunch of people selling Tumblers with busted wiper blades because one guy got his Tumbler with the Wipers not glued in place...
Imo you have to be on some other level to spend $800 for a 1/6th suit. You can get a real designer suit for that price. But too each their own.
Were do you live?
Your lucky it rains where you are. We had a down pour. I was walking to the truck it started to rain it stop. That's it till February.
Do my wipers will stay down..
I am from Scotland. This is where Rain™ was invented and continues to be exported worldwide to this day. We have a large surplus and ship it out to all our allies.
If you don't receive rain on a regular basis it either means you are not one of our allies, or you receive it from one of our less reliable competitors...
An this is why I wish to move there.
I called ssc, told them if they get this in. Charge and ship. I have a bad feeling Christmas is going to be bad. I am never wrong that much.
Lol. Good luck with that!
Quick question, i'm keeping mine stored in the box while i'm at Uni, atm it's at home stored so the Tumbler is on it's side, is it gonna be okay like that? I'm guessing that's how it'll be during shipping etc. so HT must of made the box so it will protect the tumbler no matter the boxes orientation, just a concern i had when i got back to Uni. I'm gonna change it when i'm home in a little over a month but if it may cause issues i'll get my brother to put the box so the Tumblers on it's wheels.