Super Freak
Re: The Dark Knight: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible (relaunch)
Yes, but you can you really depend on more...Jack Sparrow or Batman?

Yes, but you can you really depend on more...Jack Sparrow or Batman?
I wouldn't depend on those dates. The DX Jack Sparrow final payment was delayed 3 months.
Yep, I think the only issue will be scheduling its production in the factory.
I'm guessing they're going to make a LOT more of these this time round, hence the lower price.
i think it will be rare to see these things on evil bay for the mad prices weve seen in the past, i mean if hot toys are gonna make a huge batch this time around, & including previously sold ones the 1st time round theres gonna be quite alot kicking around if anyone actually has the balls to sell it that is lol
This will be the last batch though. Being the final Nolan film and the final appearance of the Tumbler, HT took advantage of the situation for themselves and the fans to relaunch the Tumbler.
I think one reason we are getting a re-release of the Tumbler, Joker DX 2.0 and another Batman is so they can milk the license one last time. Once TDKR comes and goes, don't expect anymore Nolan Batman items from HT.
With that said, in a few more years the Tumbler probably will go for over $1,000 on eBay again, even with more on the market than before.
Knowing HT, they won't make the same Mistake and there'll be plenty of these to go around, so they get first party sales/profits
They'll release a TDKR tumbler and a Camo Tumbler too.
Unfortunately i don't expect HT to stop the milking after TDKR has come and gone, they'll release some remakes in two years or so of all the figures.
I'm all over this...I feel it's cheap..at one point I was considering paying $1k for one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any chance they do a 1/4 scale Tumbler ?
It would be pretty funny, though.
It would be, I'm sure some members would be able to fit their small children in itThere would also be tons of pictures of cats driving it