The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Then right before it blew, I thought "It still shows him in the Bat, he couldn't have gotten away!" Then about three seconds later, I realized the escape pod/whatever would have the same seat the Bat did. :slap

Yeah I did the same :exactly:
Thinking back - did the Mayor die? He was in the booth a the game. There was then an explosion. Was it the booth that exploded? Thanks for you answer in advance. :)
Nope. The Mayor died.

You didn't see him at the cafe?

Just saw it for a fourth time and just realized yet another epic line of banes when arguing with the doctor after he changes reactor into nuclear bomb when he says 5 months by my calculation to which the horrified doctor yells THEN IT WILL GO OFF and bane chillingly responds "for the sake of your children dr Patel, indeed I hope it does" pretty much saying if u somehow fvcked this up then your family is gonna get it so intense

Bane killed him later though. :lol

Bane was the League of Shadows as he so aptly put it. He believed he could restore balance to the world by obliterating the corrupt city of Gotham. Hence making a safer planet for Pavel's children. :D
Well, gotta say that this movie was a major MEH. The beginning was awesome, the end was awesome, but the whole middle was just long and boring. Bane's intention never seemed clear and when he tried to explain himself it didn't make sense or you couldn't understand what he was saying. I saw the Talia thing coming from a mile away too. I thought Bale was really making fun of the Batman character in this movie. It's almost like he was channeling the stupid Youtube videos of Batman screaming at people. WHERE IS DA BOMB?!?! WHO IS DA TRIGGER MAN?!?! MUUUUHHHHH!!!

Loved Catwoman though. Man they got her down 100%. I'd love to see more of her in other films.

So I'd say TDK>BB>.....................................TDKR

This movie did more harm then good imo. Can't believe some of these lemmings have paid to see it 5 times, it's easily Nolan's worst film ever. If you rated this 10/10, please put me on ignore.

50. They use a picture of Maggie Gyllenhall for Rachel Dawes. I had enough of that mug in the second movie.

49. Batman builds the Bat-Cave and NEVER uses it. He retires after the events of the Dark Knight and it was yet to be completed.

48. Who provided food and such at the prison? I get that it’s hell on Earth, but with no guards and no staff, one has to wonder how anyone survived for more than a week. Or was it some communist cooperative in disguise?

47. The VOICE. ‘nuff said.

46. Bane (already difficult to understand) broadcast over a speaker at a stadium.

45. Gotham sports suck. That stadium was half-full at best for a pro NFL game. Time to move to greener pastures, like Canada.

44. No ending to the Scarecrow’s story. If you’re going to put him in all 3 films, he should at least have a fitting ending. Wedge was treated better.

43. When you claim your film is about “realism”, don’t put a gigantic plot device on the face of your main villain. Bane’s mask prevents him from feeling excruciating pain? Ugh. But a super-steroid would have been unrealistic?

42. Bruce Wayne yet again allows his company to fall into ruin. At some point, you’re no longer playing the role of clueless billionaire playboy...

41. The GCPD’s idea of searching sewage tunnels. I guess if you clog them up with every man you have, you might find something. You know where Gordon went down, and you know where he washed up. It’s called a search pattern, geniuses.

40. The kid with the falsetto voice doing the Star Spangled Banner.

39. The Bat-Cave isn’t built for the Tumbler. There’s no way they could have known he wouldn’t be using some land vehicle once he destroyed the first one, so why wouldn’t they create some kind of ramp to get in and out of the cave? For that matter, how does he get the motorcycle in and out without serious damage to the frame?

38. Marion Cotillard’s death scene.

37. Lucius Fox’s idea of keeping the world safe from all the weapons developed by Waynetech is to keep them all in one place in pristine working condition.

36. JGL throwing away his badge without so much as a “Vaya con dios” to punctuate the moment.

35. Anne Hathaway doesn’t go topless. You called the movie the Dark Knight Rises, it’s your fault...

34. Christopher Nolan’s take on American society with one percenters versus the ninety-nine percenters and everyone being a ******. How dare you create a movie that is your commentary on American society, you British prick, HOW DARE YOU?!

33. Bruce willing the remainder of his estate to Alfred. Considering he was broke, the legal red tape regarding illegal trades made in his name, and the shambles of the company after its foray into clean energy almost led to the destruction of Gotham, we can safely assume that all Alfred inherited was debt. ****** move, Bruce.

32. No one notices that Bruce Wayne no longer has a limp and doesn’t need the use of a cane. How did these people NOT figure out he was Batman?

31. Bruce fixes his limp with an advanced prosthetic. Good thing Bane lets him keep it when he throws him into that prison. Or maybe that spinal punch fixed that too. Maybe that old guy was Superboy Prime. Coincidence?

30. Were there only 2 trucks that could have possibly housed the bomb? Because when they realize they’re at a decoy, they automatically know it’s the other one, which would make Talia a dumbass.

29. Knowing the bomb is going to go off any day know, Gordon waits until there are only 12 hours left to even identify which truck could possibly hold the device.

28. Why would you build one platform to house everything in the Bat-Cave? Basically, Batman can’t land the Bat, and use the computer at the same time, or even access his suit. Design fail.

27. Batman’s disappearing act with JGL. He actually gives him a grenade and tells him to turn around and throw it, so he can run off and seemingly disappear into the night. Ninja fail.

26. Just to clarify: if you’re a world-renowned jewel thief that wants to escape the “life”, try changing your hairstyle, changing your hair color, stop stealing, and possibly (and this is just a shot in the dark) us an alias. If you’re going to use your real name (one that has a criminal record) and rent property with it, then you really shouldn’t be _____ing about not being able to disappear.

25. Bruce Wayne turns over his company to a woman he knows nothing about. When they bump uglies, she reveals that she was poor growing up, and Bruce is surprised by this. Way to vet the person you’re handing your company and a potential fusion bomb over to.

24. Batman has no problem with Catwoman using a cannon to off Bane. In her defense, she’s hot.

23. The Bat’s autopilot is working, but Bruce decides to stay in the thing with about 6 seconds left before bailing because he just loves dramatic tension and has always wanted to contract leukemia. Maybe he had a fridge on the Bat...

22. There are mere hours left before the city is obliterated and Batman takes hours to create a burning symbol of a bat on one of Gotham’s bridges. Of course, this act probably would have led to the “citizen” detonating the fusion bomb (seeing how it was a direct act of defiance), but Batman does love his theatrics.

21. A direct continuation of #22. Batman puts the lives of Gordon and a half-dozen other people in danger as they waddle out on the ice, because he’s too busy being a pyromaniac.

20. Gotham was SAFER without Batman. Sure they enacted some kind of fascist ____, but basically they eliminated organized crime, and Gotham had never been safer.

19. The real threat to Gotham IS Batman. If it weren’t for him, Talia never goes after Gotham to avenge her pappy.

18. JGL has an eye-opening moment when he realizes that guns are bad. He throws his piece away in disgust... only to brandish a shotgun a few minutes later. Remember kids, if you think guns are bad, you’re just using one that’s too small.

17. Bruce can’t figure out that the only reason he’s not making a jump is because he’s being hampered by a 50 pound rope.

16. Talia and Bane take Gotham hostage and can blow it up at any moment, but decide to wait 3 months, because they just know that Batman will somehow recover from a broken back in that time.

15. If you want Gotham to tear itself apart, why would you take out the cops AND THEN institute martial law?

14. Apparently all it takes to fix a shattered spinal cord is a really hard punch to the back.

13. This is the prequel to Unbreakable, because Batman should be called Mr. Glass. In the short time (to be discussed later) that he was Batman, he was basically crippled. This guy makes Greg Oden look like Superman.

12. Batman learns nothing. In the Dark Knight Returns when Bats is beaten by the mutant leader, he comes back for a rematch, but uses what he learned from the first fight to win the second. No such thing here. He just goes after Bane again, and really he should have just had his ass handed to him again if not for an inadvertent elbow and a lucky plot device.

11. Alfred and the butler for the Green Goblin (that one’s for you, Zechs) trained at the same place. Alfred knew that Katie Holmes didn’t love Bruce, but rather than tell him, he allows him to quit as Batman and quit at life for 8 years! Then, just as Bruce begins to pull himself together (but not in a way Alfred likes) he drops the bomb on him that he’s been pining away for a girl that chose a guy with half a face. What a ____.

And that brings us up to the top 10.

10. Jim Gordon couldn’t figure out Batman was Bruce Wayne.

9. Batman kills Talia. No two ways about it, his actions lead directly to her death. Is he wracked by guilt? Does he rush to try and save her? Nope. He stands idly by and watches her gasp for her final breath. Apparently Batman’s vow not to take lives does not extend to anyone named Al Ghul.

8. Batman quits because Katie Holmes died. The guy that dedicated himself to vengeance and creating order in his life after the death of his parents quits and becomes a recluse because his girlfriend (who was dating someone else at the time) died.

7. During a 3 month siege, Lucius Fox couldn’t get word to the outside world. This is the guy that created the tech to turn cellphones into Big Brother, sonar imaging tech, tank-cars, stealth-copters and so on. He is in a city with MILLIONS of cellphones, satellite dishes, CB radios, radio stations, television stations and god knows what else. Lucius fail.

6. The lemming army. GCPD’s idea of ‘tactics’ is to line up all their men 10 across and charge down the street into automatic gunfire.

5. Batman is a ____. He knows full well he can escape the atomic blast. He knows he fixed the autopilot, but he purposely leads people to believe that he’s going to die. And the worst part is, the person he lies to is the one person he’s going to tell afterwards that he’s still alive.

4. JGL will last approximately 5 minutes as Batman. Yeah, he’s trained as a cop, but how exactly did cops fare against the League of Shadows? Again, Batman is a ____ (pun intended) if he thought JGL was going to pick up the slack after he left. And he turned the mansion into an orphanage ensuring that EVERYONE would figure out JGL was Batman.

3. Bruce Wayne didn’t know that a fusion power source could possibly be used as a weapon before a Russian scientist published a paper.

2. Batman only existed for 1 year. It’s true. The Joker tells the mob bosses (in the Dark Knight) that they had nothing to fear a year ago, so we take this as Batman has been operating during that time. Then he quits at the end of that movie. Yup, the guy who was obsessed with creating a legend and a symbol and yadda yadda yadda only had the guts to stick around for a year.

1. Batman quits yet again at the end of the movie. Dude, is this guy the biggest slacker on the planet or what? He worked for like 1 year in his entire life! What a ******.
The problem was Mike you didn't want to like it before it even hit the cinemas.
That's not entirely true, I did want to end up liking it, but your correct in that I knew I didn't like the direction it was going based on spoilers/trailers. It's the direction he took the character but I was still open to that interpretation and seeing where it went.

The big problem now is the way it was all handled, poor explanations, poor character motives, outright stupid actions like the GCPD sending everyone into the sewers, Gordon being such a derp, Batman wasting so much time. I'm not just against Nolan, I feel Goyer, Wally, everyone short of the actors dropped the ball bigtime, and then even Marion and Modine phoned in their performances. It's got sloppy editing, sound editing, scenes that don't match up, things that make zero sense. It's just bad in alot of aspects, especially as I said, the ending which felt completely out of place in the trilogy and like a calvin klein vitamin water commercial.

As a Batman movie it fails completely to me, but just as a movie in general and looking at it from a technical standpoint forgetting what I know and want of Batman lore, it was still a real let down for so many talented and skilled film makers. It's nowhere near the technical level of say Inception or even TDK. I feel discouraged because regardless of what I wanted for the character, Nolan failed to entertain me.
Saw it yesterday.I really loved it,more than i thought i would.It was a perfect ending to the trilogy.

I actually liked the last scene with Bane when he broke down like a whimp.That right there was a strong scene,accepting the fact that the man Bane wanted to break,managed to escape his miserable self which Bane never managed to do,he needed helping tools to get back on his feet.
Both Bane and Wayne had things in common.Rachel was Wayne's motivation,while Talia was Bane's.

That Prison Cave was just a Metaphor for a human being's darkest places.You've hit rock bottom and doesn't fear death.To get out to the light you need to find the motivation to live,and fear death.

That's at least how i thought of it.
Bane's breakdown reminded me of Stuntman Mike when the girls finally get the better of him.
Deckard, TDKR was written and directed by Christopher Nolan therefore it is flawless. Just ignore the all the plot holes.
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