Talk about watching a popular and highly rated movie 2 years after release, it really allows the movie to stand on its own.
I always wondered what it would be like to see Raiders, The Exorcist, ESB or any of the other classics for the 1st time 20-30 years after release.
Anyways, that's extreme, I'm only 2 years removed from Inception.
From what I understand, this movie is either loved or hated, no in between with this one.
I easily fall into the love side, as did the wife.
We both really felt connected to the tragic love story on display.
I kept saying that TDKR was Nolan's Bond movie.
Oh hell no it was, Inception was!
Snow scenes were breathtakingly beautiful, if only Bond could look that grand and beautiful.
LOL at Tom Harding, I forgot he was in this, that was awesome.
Anyways, the movie.
What can I say other than the obvious, that the layers intimidate the viewer and that intimidation requires (but not forces) multiple passes before one can truly feel comfortable saying they get it, it welcomes it, it beckons you to revisit all the complexities involved.
BTW, awesome sound effects, bass rattle, and soundtrack, 100 for all 3 categories.
But. but, but.....
I can't review Inception in a TDKR thread and not bring up TDKR.
Inception brought down my feelings even more on TDKR.
Inception truly requires multiple viewings because it was masterfully put together.
TDKR's editing and narrative problems are too easily defended that it just requires multiple viewings to grasp the story.
But the "more than just a man, a legend Mr. Wayne", the symbol idea is actually a pretty simple concept to comprehend.
Inception is so good that it actually makes me believe even more that Nolan wasn't 100% behind TDKR.
Interestingly enough, TDKR on RT is at 87 and Inception 86.
Am I wrong about TDKR?