The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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It's all good batfan08. :1-1:

It's a forum, we talk **** about movies.

Void knows that BB>TDK>TDKR

But VoidPazuzucat takes over with TDKR>BB>TDK

This calls for an exorcism, where is Father NamKarras and Father DiFabioMerrin :lol

It's all good batfan08. :1-1:

It's a forum, we talk **** about movies.

Void knows that BB>TDK>TDKR

But Void Pazuzu cat takes over with TDKR>BB>TDK

This calls for an exorcism, where is Father NamKarras and Father DiFabioMerrin :lol

I are Voidcat
I sez TDKR > BB > TDK


Iizz alwayzzz right.
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