The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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The Dark Knight Rises > Batman: The Animated Series

So wait... After continuously bashing this film and finding something to ***** about while at the same time saying you liked it, you're gonna come out and call it "suckass" now? I'm at least remaining consistent and not going back and forth on my opinion. Or rather, I've been honest about my position all along whereas you and DiFabio would continue to pick the film apart while claiming to say you enjoyed it. I don't understand why someone has to continuously post in a movie thread for a movie they didn't like. We all know your opinion. Move along then. You always call out all these trolls in other topics when they say something that you dont agree with but what the heck are you doing in here exactly? :cuckoo:

WTF are you talking about?! :lol From the day I saw it, I've always stated it was a bad Batman movie. I even went back to see if a second viewing would change that opinion and it didn't. It's a good movie outside of the context of Batman, but as a Batman film, it blows. I haven't changed my opinion about that. But your fanboy BS explanation about it being "the best comic book film trilogy" was laughable at best because the piss poor excuses you used to back that statement apply to Blade and Spider-Man as well. :cuckoo:
The Dark Knight Rises > Batman: The Animated Series



Personally, I don't even think it's a good comparison. It's like comparing an Elseworlds book with something like Year One or The Killing Joke. They're both valid interpretations, and I love them equally. TAS has a slight nostalgia advantage, though.
Personally, I don't even think it's a good comparison. It's like comparing an Elseworlds book with something like Year One or The Killing Joke. They're both valid interpretations, and I love them equally. TAS has a slight nostalgia advantage, though.

Adding to the fact that TAS has been the best portrayal of Batman in general. :lecture
Theatrically released live action film ≠ Direct to video animated film ≠ Animated television series ≠ Video game ≠ Comic book

These different formats all have unique qualities and strengths when it comes to budget, character development, interactivity, etc. Batman sure does seem to be well represented across all these different forms of media--people will always love this character throughout his many different representations.
And? May I ask, Jyecat, what the hell is the point? This thing has gone back and forth and back and forth and so on ever since the movie came out. You liked it or you didn't. You and your side have provided enough reasoning why you feel that way for the past 3 months, just as Void and his side have done the same. It's like a broken record. Enough is enough already; I liked it, but, for crying out loud, it's just a movie. People take things waaay too seriously.
And? May I ask, Jyecat, what the hell is the point? This thing has gone back and forth and back and forth and so on ever since the movie came out. You liked it or you didn't. You and your side have provided enough reasoning why you feel that way for the past 3 months, just as Void and his side have done the same. It's like a broken record. Enough is enough already; I liked it, but, for crying out loud, it's just a movie. People take things waaay too seriously.

^^^Case in point. :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly: :lol
^^^Case in point. :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly: :lol

How's 'at? I'm not just speaking of the films detractors, but of its enthusiasts as well. It's a movie, for God's sake. If someone doesn't like it, that's okay. If someone loves it, that's okay, too. It just boggles my mind how much time you guys waste retreading the same ground. There's a reason I rarely enter this thread anymore...
How's 'at? I'm not just speaking of the films detractors, but of its enthusiasts as well. It's a movie, for God's sake. If someone doesn't like it, that's okay. If someone loves it, that's okay, too. It just boggles my mind how much time you guys waste retreading the same ground. There's a reason I rarely enter this thread anymore...

It boggles the mind how you can't see sarcasm and general bull****ting for what it is. Check the obits for the next funeral and leave us to our fun. :wave
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