The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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That's interesting. He knew Batman's identity too.



I literally just thought of that but from now on it's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


Hey, it works and would even not only explain his fighting ability against armed foes, but would set him up perfectly. Maybe he got involved with the LoS after Bruce left, realized they're a bunch of psychos and decided to follow Bruce's path, but went the legal route to change things not having Bruce's millions?

LOS plan B

Secret Agent Insertion.

Batman along with the JL will have to stop Blake!
That's valid, but the villains and his incarceration seemed too safe for me.

In this kind of elseworlds, Nolan version, I loved Bane, found Miranda/Talia totally flat. But I admired the Return of the Jedi-esque "eff the details, we're going for catharsis here" of the movie. The big things worked for me even if it was kind of rushed and sloppy and Modine-y.
In this kind of elseworlds, Nolan version, I loved Bane, found Miranda/Talia totally flat. But I admired the Return of the Jedi-esque "eff the details, we're going for catharsis here" of the movie. The big things worked for me even if it was kind of rushed and sloppy and Modine-y.

That's the missing thing I couldn't put my finger on: No ghosts of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne in Italy. :mad:
That's the missing thing I couldn't put my finger on: No ghosts of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne in Italy. :mad:

Force ghost Rachel would have been awesome. Force ghosts of both Rachels would have been crowd reaction gold. BatFail.
No. That comes later.

you remember this picture?

How some of us actually had the idea that it could even be Blake in the suit? I remember reading that from someone and I remember how excited I was by the idea. in the Old thread I remember there were a few comments about this, Because that's what some of us expected, a really good ending with Blake.
What we got is complete S___t.
I guess that is true. I would have liked to see Blake in the suit, I mean that would have been nice.
Yeah I was talking physically.

I think if they continued with him, they could keep the same style of suit. But a color change would be nice. Maybe a red or blue batsymbol.
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