The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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He sounds more German, like that ghost dude from Hellboy 2 than British to me.

True, its more of a popcultural view of what people think, the British sound like ;) It's not about the cultural roots of the voice(I believe Hardy was going for a mix of different accents, can't remember which), its about the mixture of creepines, sophistication and the right amount of "out of place", that paradoxically makes this voice fit the character so well.
Considering more than half of the Avengers opening box office was 3-D (Opening without 3-D surcharge would have been around $175 million) and with TDKR tracking higher than Avengers right now, I wonder if WB/DC regrets giving Nolan the power of insisting no 3D. That would have been a lot of extra cash and technically it still could have had it in 2D as well.

I am glad he insisted on doing most of the movie is Imax instead of 3D. Shooting in 3D would have changed the look of the movie too much.

Thing with 3D cameras is that they are not very suitable for the dark gritty type of movie. All those movies shot with 3D camera have this saturated and bright colours to everything, I guess to make things pop more?

Nolan movies are dark and gritty and if he shot it that way in 3D, you probably won't be seeing much 3D anyway.

Sadly there is no Imax here but I am sure the movie will look grand in Imax.
W A big, hulking brute, nonchalantly using "like a sir" accent as if nothing was wrong, while at the same time breaking people's bones and beating them to a pulp - how can You not love it? ;)

Let's show some love for the bald fella. ;)

See, I feel the exact opposite. How can you love it?

I was never intimidated or frightened by Bane, in fact I found him to be hilarious and pathetic. His voice, his plans, his characterization, his looks, everything about him seemed so silly to me. I thought the scene of him on top of the Tumbler with the Buttmunch photo would be one of my favorites until he opened his mouth and spewed ridiculous, preachy dialogue with that horrible voice of his. He has WAY too many scenes. Dare I say more than Bruce Wayne/Batman?

The best thing about Bane, for me, was towards the end. One of my favorite moments of the film revolves around the court house.

Thank you Batman and Catwoman.
I can't wait for the reboot, we'll get the real batman & a real batman story. not some frankenstein mash up these 3 movies were

Poor inky. :monkey2

I too so wish that effette Eurotrash Nolan (probably secretly French) had not got his Frankenstein hands on Batman. Then we could get back to "real batman stor[ies]" where falling in toxic waste bleaches you skin and causes a permanent grin (as opposed to just killing you), where penguins under mind-control fire rocket packs, where Catwoman really has nine lives....
the 3D will only cheapen the experience,

3D is okay to show the bright colors to the kiddies with movies like Transfomers and Crapevengers, but this, this is no kiddy movie, this is a man's movie, a thinking man's movie,

Of course 3D would have made them so much money..

thank Nolan he didnt cheapen it
Poor inky. :monkey2

I too so wish that effette Eurotrash Nolan (probably secretly French) had not got his Frankenstein hands on Batman. Then we could get back to "real batman stor[ies]" where falling in toxic waste bleaches you skin and causes a permanent grin (as opposed to just killing you), where penguins under mind-control fire rocket packs, where Catwoman really has nine lives....

See, I feel the exact opposite. How can you love it?

Like I said before, it's the mix of his fanaticism and grand plans. His sheer "I mean buissness" attitide, and the straight to the point, ruthless way he enacts his plans. The mix between the brute, though, berserker nature and the more tender quilities of an intelectuall and misguided revolutionist. Finally it's the real, militaristic badassery and the constant promise of threat and carnage in his every move and gesture. The guy means buisness and feels truly dangerous, not just comic-book, steroid, over the top "dangerous", as say original comic Bane or the AA version. He is like a part time neo-nazti militiant, part time romantic revolutionary.

The voice I guess is more a matter of personal preference.
I feel disappointed about The Bat nothing special it didn't impress me.
I was trying to be somewhat fair and only mock the Burton Batman. The Joel Schumacher stuff is just so obvious that pointing out its faults is redundant.

But you ignorantly trolled his post under the assumption he wanted the Burton Batmans and not something closer to the actual comic books. :huh
Catwoman doesn't have 9 lives.

I feel disappointed about The Bat nothing special it didn't impress me.

The Batpod is great though. It was even better than it was in TDK. I love that first scene with it.
I like her alright, at times. Like her in the Prada movie. Not my first choice for Catwoman. But I find it hard to believe that she's better and sexier than Pfeiffer as Catwoman. If so, I can't wait.... I just doubt it.

I was like you. My favourite was Michelle Pfeiffer too but she really surprises me with her performance in this movie. And the costume actually looked great in the movie.
But you ignorantly trolled his post under the assumption he wanted the Burton Batmans and not something closer to the actual comic books. :huh

Actually I was being far too generous. The "actual comic books" have all of those same absurd devices from the Burton films and many far worse.

Given that Ultimate Captain America and his parody-like behaviour resonates with ink, I can see how the nonsense comicbook stuff that Nolan thankfully ditched would appeal to him.
Actually I was being far too generous. The "actual comic books" have all of those same absurd devices from the Burton films and many far worse.

Given that Ultimate Captain America and his parody-like behaviour resonates with ink, I can see how the nonsense comicbook stuff that Nolan thankfully ditched would appeal to him.

If you want reality, I suggest you steer clear of comic book movies. :lol
I think you'll like her Wor-Gar. She's better than I expected. In fact, I sort of wanted more of her in the movie.

You won't be disappointed. Pfeiffer/Returns Catwoman and Hathaway/TDKR Catwoman are two very different characterizations that are both superb and sexy in their own way. This is coming from someone that was uninterested and annoyed by Hathaway prior to this film. She never appealed to me until this Batman film.

Catwoman has had it very good in these live action tv shows and films. She's been done justice in every interpretation.
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