Bane is a Weak villain to carry a nearly 3hr Film. Hardy probably does a phenomenal job, but the character itself, Bane, is to me, and always will be, a man who matches Batmans strength, is intelligent but thats it. Theres no substance to the character or conflic with batman.
bane isn't a weak villain, nolan just used him wrong and watered him down. bane is the anti batman. the same smarts & all that, but without the moral code
Watered him down? The connection between Bane and Batman, and the way one is a "what if" version of another, is very clearly made in the movie. Nolan's take on Bane, blows the comic book potrayals out of the water. Comic book Bane was a nice idea on paper, a sort of an "anti batman" if You will, but presented in a typicaly kitchy, over the top way. He served little purpose other than breaking the bat. Nolan's Bane is a terrifying fanatic. The very epitome of a super villain terrorist and a walking juggernaut, not just physicaly. Whereas the comic version was simply a big, overmuscled, hairy wannabe-luchador, Hardy's version is a real menace. The guy oozes voilence and fanatical conviction. He is not steroid-huge, but he doesn't need it, just one look and You know he means buisness. There is an aura of constant physical threat and utter ruthlessness about the guy(which I believe is far more in essence of the character, than just grotesquely huge musculature). Even his somewhat underdeveloped, rough physique attests to that. Hardy looks like a real thick-necked brute, not a clean-cut male model. There is even a promise of danger in the very way he moves. The militant, ideological fanatic feel refers not only to his looks, but also the character's backstory and Nolan's take on it. I believe it was a fantastic move on Nolan's part to show the "great mind" side of Bane, by giving him that fanatical ideology that he is trying to force on Gotham. Unlike Joker who prefered chaos, Bane has specific, ambitious plans for Gotham and is going to force them with practical, surgical violence and carnage. Bane in TDKR is someone who despite his great intelect, is nonetheless driven by some misguided and pathetic beliefs, that he is trying to force upon the world at gun-point. I believe its a great theme and awesome take on the character. Joker was a lunatic anarchist, Bane truly is a dangerous, driven "über-fanatic".
The voice itself, I believe is also a cool thing about Hardy's take on Bane. On one side, the highly stylised, british accent might be viewed as a cheap way of showing the character's "sophistication", but on the other hand there is a very creepy undertone to it, that combined with Hardy's eyes and look, makes for an awesome effect. A big, hulking brute, nonchalantly using "like a sir" accent as if nothing was wrong, while at the same time breaking people's bones and beating them to a pulp - how can You not love it?
He is a right hand man of a larger villain IMO.
How is Ras bigger? He is neither as characteristic as Bane. Nowhere near as imposing presence on the screen. Not as ruthless. Even his plans pale in comparison. Yes, the use of microwave emmiter was ambitious on its own, but it's nothing compared to what Bane does with Gotham.
Let's show some love for the bald fella.