The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Contacted the guy that made the cool print. Unfortunately he said that it is not going to be for sale.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Question: How far along are you in the writing process for The Dark Knight Rises, and how does it compare to the other Batman films?

HANS ZIMMER: Well, before I started on Sherlock, I had an idea for Dark Knight. I said to Chris [Nolan], “Would it be okay if I got the most outrageous orchestra together and tried this experimental thing?” It involved chanting and all sorts of stuff. And, if I decided that it was just complete rubbish, then we could just throw it away and nobody would ever mention that Hans went and spent all that money. So, I went off and spent weeks writing it. I recorded the piece, and Chris came by and said, “Well, you’ve done half the movie now.” I said, “Well, I don’t think that’s quite true.” But, I think I figured out my cornerstone to the thing.

I’m hellishly ambitious on that. The chant became a very complicated thing because I wanted hundreds of thousands of voices, and it’s not so easy to get hundreds of thousands of voices. So, we Twittered and we posted on the internet, for people who wanted to be part of it. It seemed like an interesting thing. We’ve created this world, over these last two movies, and somehow I think the audience and the fans have been part of this world. We do keep them in mind. And I thought it would be something nice, if our audiences could actually be part of the making of the movie and be participants in this. So, we’ve got this website up,, where you can go on and be part of it. It was fantastic. The first Tweet that went out just melted our server because we had tens of thousands of people a second, trying to get onto the site.

the-dark-knight-rises-teaser-posterYou always want to create a sound that nobody has ever heard, but I think, this time, we might be doing that. As a musician, I think about what environment things are recorded in. Now, you have hundreds of thousands of voices, all recorded in their own individual environment. Up until now, that’s been impossible to do. There’s a lot of people doing a lot of editing, as well.

Do you read film reviews and online reports about the movies you work on?

ZIMMER: I read it. My character is flawed, and I read it and suffer terribly when people don’t like what I do, or misunderstand it, but I learn things from it. Every and any conversation you have about the thing that you’re most interested in – which in my case, happens to be the movies I’m working on – might not be a novel conversation, but somebody’s point of view does make me think about things. Other than the really bitter and twisted stuff, I think people, especially with The Dark Knight franchise, are very interested in us making a good movie, and they’re trying to cheer us on, and they’re trying to make suggestions that are actually helpful to us. So, I am very aware of what’s going on out there.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

the-dark-knight-rises-teaser-posterYou always want to create a sound

That part confused the hell out of me until I realized you copy and pasted the article from the site WITH the poster image text in it. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Total rip off of College Humor's.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

that was really good, that made me laugh, wow, I usually hate SNL but that was good lol

maybe there is something wrong with me
but that was by far the most Unfuniest thing I've seen online, I didn't even smile once....:monkey4 I mean, I don't know, batman choosing his voice was kinda awful... I guess I'm weird :monkey3
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Some of the college humor Batman skits are a little embarrassing, but I thought that last one was pretty good.

It's the zaniness of the SNL short that makes it a higher brand of humor IMO.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Although I thought of that too, I don't see it as a rip-off. They don't own a patent on Batman parody.
Yeah, I just meant that College Humor kinda did the same thing.

Some of the college humor Batman skits are a little embarrassing, but I thought that last one was pretty good.

It's the zaniness of the SNL short that makes it a higher brand of humor IMO.

Some of CH's skits are pretty stupid. But I like all their Batman parodies. SNL can be cheesy (sometimes borderline dumb) at times as well. But they have a lot of funny skits to. This one especially.
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