The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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According to someone on Twitter who has seen a screening, the film is 3 hrs + !! :yess: :yess: :yess:

That's dangerous, I would say TDK was close to dragging, the pace between the hospital and the Prewitt building gets a bit too slow. If we're getting into LOTR run time territory, hopefully it's all compelling and engaging.
Are you kidding, why is that so good?

Because I've always felt TDK suffers from cramming too much stuff, and would have benefited from a longer runtime. It's why I prefer Begins, which I think is paced perfectly.

Given the amount of stuff we already know is going to be in TDKR storywise, I think it could definitely use the longer run-time.

Plus Nolan keeps saying they are going for an 'epic' feel with this one.
I don't love the idea of it being 3+ hours. With 15+ minutes of previews and commercials alot of places and getting there earlier to get seats, your talking close to 4 hours of sitting, especially the opening weekend when you need to get there earlier. Even if it's engaging your legs start to get restless and your eyes start to get strained.

Those are the sort of films I prefer watching at home, you can pause it take a break, get some refreshments and whenever you want you can just get up and stretch. It could end up preventing people from multiple theatre viewings, and probably won't come close to the Avengers bo.
I could care less about the BO - I want the best film Nolan can come up with, and if he thinks he needs 3 hrs to tell his tale, then so be it.

Also, Avatar was a good 2hrs 40, not quite 3 hrs but it had nil impact on the BO.
I could care less about the BO - I want the best film Nolan can come up with, and if he thinks he needs 3 hrs to tell his tale, then so be it.

I agree on wanting the best story told, but I also feel if Nolan thought he could tell this story in 2 hours I'd be more than happy.

Some times it seems a lot of people 'round here just assume a longer running time means a better movie. I say save the extended running time for DVD and Blu-Ray, gives you another reason to buy/rewatch the movie.
If it's good and flows its not a problem but I feel TDK drags, as does Inception, moreso for both when I saw them in the theatres. I hated King Kong for that reason and fell asleep when my father dragged me to the first LOTR.

Casino and Goodfellas don't drag on, they are just fun until the end which is always depressing. :lol Although not as bad as Blow. I think I've watched the first half of that and then turned it off before George just gets locked up more then any other movie. It's just too depressing and I already know what happens. :lol
If it's good and flows its not a problem but I feel TDK drags, as does Inception, moreso for both when I saw them in the theatres. I hated King Kong for that reason and fell asleep when my father dragged me to the first LOTR.

Casino and Goodfellas don't drag on, they are just fun until the end which is always depressing. :lol Although not as bad as Blow. I think I've watched the first half of that and then turned it off before George just gets locked up more then any other movie. It's just too depressing and I already know what happens. :lol

:lol Yeah damn me if both Goodfellas and Blow's endings don't effect you and depress you. Good filmmaking imo.

I think most can admit that TDK was dragged near its end. Too many ideas crammed as void mentioned. This is true. Here's hoping for an "up to speed" start and an assload of action throughout. :wink1:
Meh the movie Casino is 178 minutes long and it feels like an hour everytime I watch it. Big friggin deal.

Long movies can be done well enough you don't feel the lenght, hell, Avengers is about 2 and a half hours and I didn't feel it at all. It's just risky territory, and like I said, TDK already came close to dragging out.
I don't love the idea of it being 3+ hours. With 15+ minutes of previews and commercials alot of places and getting there earlier to get seats, your talking close to 4 hours of sitting, especially the opening weekend when you need to get there earlier. Even if it's engaging your legs start to get restless and your eyes start to get strained.

Those are the sort of films I prefer watching at home, you can pause it take a break, get some refreshments and whenever you want you can just get up and stretch. It could end up preventing people from multiple theatre viewings, and probably won't come close to the Avengers bo.

are you kidding me, well not you specifically, but people that think like that, which, kinda sounds dumb, (again not you specifically) people spend up to 7 hours online sometimes, people sit on their butts to watch tv for 5-6-7 hours,
yet a little 3 hour movie comes along and all of the sudden "leg cramps" and "I need my Damn POP CORN GAWD DANG IT" like, seriously? people can wait in line for 2 days to pick up the newest Ipad, but 3 hour movies make their little butt hurt?

thats why GRINDHOUSE flopped, people were like "WATCHING 2 MOVIES AT ONCE? FOR SHAME" Grindhouse flopped, but people have no problem watching a Harry Potter movie that is like 4 hours,
I don't get people...
I could see this being a problem too,
I don't get it either. You're sitting down to watch a story about somthing you really love, why would you want it to end so fast.. That's one of the reasons I love the LotR movies. I'm not just watching a movie, but I'm going on a long, epic adventure.
Looking at the last few pages I'd beg to differ but it's fitting you're the first to respond.

There was a looooooooooot deleted before you posted. :lol

Does your batman avatar have chetoos all over his lips? :lol


It definitely takes getting used to seeing him in that suit with the cape draped in front.

There was this wallpaper from TDK which I never liked much:


Looks much better in this latest Empire cover for sure

I actually liked that one a lot. Still do. :dunno
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