The end of 3D so soon?

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Super Freak
May 4, 2008
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In front of the computer ...op-further-proof-3d-is-a-novelty-and-gimmick/

If you haven’t figured it out by now then please get up to speed. 3D in films, on television, and in games is a novelty and a gimmick. Nothing more, nothing less.

3D films are anything but a new phenomenon. It didn’t really take off the first time, and although the technology has improved beyond recognition, and the experience of viewing content in 3D has as well, it’s still far from an essential. In fact, I’d venture as far as saying it’s something few people desire, let alone require.

Avatar was great in 3D. Those elements helped the film immensely, because in 2D the storyline really wasn’t compelling enough to hold anyone’s interest for the running time. But Avatar was a one-off. Since then Hollywood has caught the 3D bug, delivering movies in 3D whether it’s justified or not. And due to the high cost of filming in 3D most movies have it added in post-production. The results are often shockingly bad (Alice in Wonderland, Clash of the Titans).

Moviegoers are now revolting against this 3D indoctrination. There is almost always a 2D option for a film, and many people are choosing that over the 3D alternative. I myself did so recently with Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. The novelty has died off and I’d rather see a film in the traditional way rather than having a tacked-on 3D element disseminating my enjoyment of it. And I’m not alone.

Variety reports that the shares of Disney, DreamWorks Animation, and RealD have all dropped thanks to disappointing 3D returns on Kung Fu Panda 2. The flick itself has done OK but only 46 percent of its opening gross came from 3D ticket sales. Meaning many are opting to watch the 2D version instead. This is a drop of around 10 percent from the average until now.

It isn’t just movies either. Sales of 3D television sets aren’t all that impressive despite manufacturers insisting they’re the future. And outside of Japan the new Nintendo 3DS has failed to tempt many gamers, with some actually complaining that the 3D element is an unnecessary distraction.

Sure, some people with too much money and too little sense have bought into the 3D dream in a big way, buying all the kit necessary to watch and play 3D content in their homes. I’m sure they also always opt for the 3D option when going to the movies. But they’re a small minority, and are never like to grow into anything approaching a majority.

It seems Hollywood needs Transformers 3D and Harry Potter in 3D to do well, or it could be 3D was a short lived fad.
It was a fad then, it will be a fad now. Its a trendy advance in tech., a nice excessive and indulgent novelty, but not a real way to consistently watch programming, sports, movies et.

Unless, you're watching porn. :D
never cared about 3D, never will. Sucks for ppl that payed thousands of dollars for brand new 3D TV's if movie companies decide to scrap it all together or do a movie every once in awhile in that format.
I hate watching movies in 3D.

And I disagree that it was great in Avatar. The colors and the brightness of Pandora were completely lost with those damn 3D glasses.

It was something cool to experience at the beginning, but now...meh, it just leaves you a terrible headache.
I wouldn't be sad if this means the end of 3D is coming. Ever since Avatar I've seen a number of 3D films, but none of it came close to that ones quality and level of awesomeness.

I hate the fact that everything is being put out in 3D just to cash in some more.
If I was able to choose, I'd rather see 2D than 3D. Unfortunately, I live in a country where making that choice isn't very easy anymore. The option to see 2D is pretty much slim to none here, since only a few theatres in some major cities decide to show 2D films over here.

So I have been forced to watch Thor, Pirates and a number of other films in (expensive) 3D while I actually didn't felt the need to watch them like that.

3D was fun for a couple of films, but IMO it has run it's course. It's time that Hollywood realises this and just returns to make films in 2D which is awesome to begin with.
IMO it all depends on what it is and how well they did it and how often you watch it.

I think anyone that didn't see Tron legacy in 3D missed a big portion of the coolness, but I had a real bad time with the 3D for POTC4, but I had a headache going into it which probably didn't help.
I hate watching movies in 3D.

And I disagree that it was great in Avatar. The colors and the brightness of Pandora were completely lost with those damn 3D glasses.

It was something cool to experience at the beginning, but now...meh, it just leaves you a terrible headache.

Just how I feel. I don't wanna pay 8 quid to watch a film just to end up with a banging head.
Good riddance until 10 years from now, when it rears its ugly head again for a brief resurgence. The 3-D gimmick is almost as bad as Treasure Trolls that way.
Never liked it. I've only seen Avatar and Up in 3D, and while Avatar was okay in 3D (I accepted it as part of the experience), I thought it took a lot away from Up. I felt like the effect prevented me from taking in the entire frame as a composition by forcing me to focus on certain elements. Any time I would try and look at something that wasn't meant to be the focal point of the scene, it really messed up my vision. Now I absolutely only watch the 2D presentations, although that gets harder and harder to find around here.
It was a fad then, it will be a fad now. Its a trendy advance in tech., a nice excessive and indulgent novelty, but not a real way to consistently watch programming, sports, movies et.

Unless, you're watching porn. :D

:rotfl :rotfl I'm sure the porn industry would make a killing if they started doing films in 3D.

I hate watching movies in 3D.

It was something cool to experience at the beginning, but now...meh, it just leaves you a terrible headache.

I avoid 3D films like the plague. They do give most people terrible headaches. For me, it feels like my eyes are going to explode. I can't recall any other film I've seen in 3D aside from Harry Potter 5... And I didn't know parts of it would be in 3D when going to see it. Imagine watching the Ministry of Magic scene, in 3D, on an IMAX screen... I nearly passed out from head pain.

I find it to be very unnecessary to watch movies. And most of the time, studios don't even shoot in 3D, they leave it to the post-production department to add in later, making it worse. I hope 3D fades out quickly and doesn't come back.
I hope so, 3d gives me a headache and is just a gimmick, i hope the new Alien prequals don't have aliens jumping out of the screen for the 3d element! Id much rather sit and watch a blu ray.
I'm still waiting for some director to use 3D as a narrative part of the film, exploring depth of field, sense of dimension and immersion too in a new way.

Every time that some new tech is discovered, some directors take full advantage of it (depth of field, cameras and supports, new photo emulsions and lights, f/x, etc.).

3D should be more than throwing objects to the public in a few shots. :lol
Good, ____ 3D.

Oh, and I said this would happen 2 years ago and a bunch of douches here laughed at me and said this was the future of how we would watch movies at TV.