I think is pretty safe to say if your on the wait list for these, you will get them. But then you would need to ask yourself, why are you on the wait list for this crap.
Darth Maul 10/10
Bib Fortuna 10/10
Endor Staff 0/10
I think Sideshow were taking the piss when they announced these. I cannot believe how wrong they could be in their choice. My advise is if you really really want these, wait. Because this could well be the first Star Wars figures to be sold off on the cheap. These will not sell out. And these are not selling well at all. Overseas sales are basically just not happening. Domestic sales (USA) are disappointing. SS will try and rush these out ASAP because the longer they leave it, the more orders are getting cancelled. Sideshow has messed up with this release, and they know it!!