The Endor Team?

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El Roranous

Super Freak
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
SoCal! San Diego
With all the hate going around about the Endor troops I wanted to ask who is still on board? Is anybody excited about them? I have Nik on order but not the others and I still want him. However, if he comes out in the 1rst quarter like he is supposed to then he is getting the axe.

Nik Sant+1rst Quarter=
I ended up giving them the axe. The looked good, but I just decided to stick with characters that were recognizable and with limited space these guys just didn't make the cut.
I just pre-ordered the generic trooper from a retailer. He reminds me of the old Kenner figure. I'm excited about him, and think it will be a cool figure.

My plan is to try to get a generic version of each trooper that comes out in the military line.
I'm looking forward to them. Not as much as I have other figures but they will be cool. I do like the Brant Trooper most of all.
canceled the bundle. I'm going to try to get only troopers and droids and creatures.
I can't believe the troops are sold out with so many passing. Hmmmm I wonder if they are still going to ship in the 1rst quarter as well. Honestly, there are too many other great things coming out right now to commit to these guys.
Managed to get a $20 discount on Nik Sant and I still gave him the boot. Sorry Nik. :monkey2 (but hey, I reordered Plo Koon - only this time through Adam!!! :rock).
I think is pretty safe to say if your on the wait list for these, you will get them. But then you would need to ask yourself, why are you on the wait list for this crap.

Darth Maul 10/10
Bib Fortuna 10/10
Endor Staff 0/10

I think Sideshow were taking the piss when they announced these. I cannot believe how wrong they could be in their choice. My advise is if you really really want these, wait. Because this could well be the first Star Wars figures to be sold off on the cheap. These will not sell out. And these are not selling well at all. Overseas sales are basically just not happening. Domestic sales (USA) are disappointing. SS will try and rush these out ASAP because the longer they leave it, the more orders are getting cancelled. Sideshow has messed up with this release, and they know it!!
Homer Simpson said:
I think is pretty safe to say if your on the wait list for these, you will get them. But then you would need to ask yourself, why are you on the wait list for this crap.

Darth Maul 10/10
Bib Fortuna 10/10
Endor Staff 0/10

I think Sideshow were taking the piss when they announced these. I cannot believe how wrong they could be in their choice. My advise is if you really really want these, wait. Because this could well be the first Star Wars figures to be sold off on the cheap. These will not sell out. And these are not selling well at all. Overseas sales are basically just not happening. Domestic sales (USA) are disappointing. SS will try and rush these out ASAP because the longer they leave it, the more orders are getting cancelled. Sideshow has messed up with this release, and they know it!!
I see what you are saying but aren't they already sold out at sideshow?
Homer Simpson said:
I think is pretty safe to say if your on the wait list for these, you will get them. But then you would need to ask yourself, why are you on the wait list for this crap.

Darth Maul 10/10
Bib Fortuna 10/10
Endor Staff 0/10

I think Sideshow were taking the piss when they announced these. I cannot believe how wrong they could be in their choice. My advise is if you really really want these, wait. Because this could well be the first Star Wars figures to be sold off on the cheap. These will not sell out. And these are not selling well at all. Overseas sales are basically just not happening. Domestic sales (USA) are disappointing. SS will try and rush these out ASAP because the longer they leave it, the more orders are getting cancelled. Sideshow has messed up with this release, and they know it!!

I agree, these will popping up all over the net. I'm sure that a lot of them will be parted out. If they drop to $20 a piece , I'll buy them.
I am really looking forward to them! I think the military line is off to a strange start, but I am pretty excited about getting troopers. I just dread how nuts it will be when orders go in for Storm/Clone troopers!
FlyAndFight said:
Nik Sant will become the "Original Balrog" of the SW 12" line!

Mark my words...


No, I think Brant will. More people want Nik since he was in the films. Brant then will be able to laugh at them for not buying his soon-to-be $400 figure :lol
Seaward said:
I just dread how nuts it will be when orders go in for Storm/Clone troopers!

I can almost guarantee these will be inclusives... and if not big enough ES to satisfy. Making stormies and clones will be like printing money :lol
Darth Roranous said:
I see what you are saying but aren't they already sold out at sideshow?
They sold out when they were first offered. But by the time the figures are released, a large percentage of people will have come to their senses and cancelled their orders, and the 'sold out' sign will come down, only to be replaced with '2nd Chance!", which will then be replaced with..... SALE.... which will then be replaced with........ FREE TO GOOD HOME........ which will then be replaced with ........ CLEARENCE NEEDED. WILL PAY GOOD RATES:lol
Endor Team? zZZZzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I can't say that they are one of the items I can't wait to have, but they are still wanted by me. They are not some must have items but still think they will look great and no matter how much they are not liked I have a funny felling they will become sought after later down the road as more items comeout that pair up with them.
mfoga said:
...I have a funny felling they will become sought after later down the road as more items comeout that pair up with them.

The inevitable "combat" scene with Ewoks, Troopers and speeder bikes. Yeah, then people will want them. Of course, that's probably a good year away (at least as far as ewoks go).