Sorry to be a dick but I would like to help RRX answer this question
RRX and Limtoys do not determine the “original price”
Even Limtoys can keep the original cost for stores, we as retailer will adjust the price base on currency rate, tariff and risks etc
The figure is open for preorder almost 2 years, if you missed the boat for whatever reason, no one can guarantee you the original price for a possible 2nd batch
I didnt make any announcement on social media when I put back a few units for sale, to be honest, I wanted to low the price a bit but forget to do so (with the nightmare last 2 days I don’t even know what I am doing)
But in a few minutes order incoming, so the demand is there, right? I always try to be reasonable but with so many uncertainty I really don’t hesitate to charge more right now (please correct me if you can find anyone with cheaper price)
The winter is coming, I need to save to survive it