The Endor Team?

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jlcmsu said:
....What cracks me up about SW fans is that they're some of the most ungrateful fans ever. Unless a company does exactly what they want they storm around. ...

Amen to that bruthuh Josh. Truer words were never typed in the last 5 minutes.
pixletwin said:
Well Homer, some would say that releasing Stormies or Hoth Rebels right off the bat may take the piss outta this line. I would prefer to get the lesser appreciated figs outta the way, work out the kinks in the line, and then jump right into the meatier possibilities.

Besides you make an awful lot of assumption based on what you read on boards. I wouldn't take what people say here as definitively whats actually going on from Sideshow's end.

Me thinks you protest too much. :D
Well I can assure you these figures are not selling. Don't forget that Sideshow only sell a percentage of these figures on their site. The overseas market take a lot of these products from them. And I can assure you, I am in a position to know, these Endor soliders are not selling outside the US.
Homer Simpson said:
Well I can assure you these figures are not selling. Don't forget that Sideshow only sell a percentage of these figures on their site. The overseas market take a lot of these products from them. And I can assure you, I am in a position to know, these Endor soliders are not selling outside the US.


I'm off to watch Rambo 3.
You make it sound like Sideshow sell 10% on the site and ship 85% overseas (with 5% to Canada, of course). Whoever you are, yo're still basing what you are saying off of your own assumptions.

Unless Darklord Dave chrisens you with "Sideshow VIP" I aint buying it.
Well Homer what position is that it? Do you work in overseas distribution for SS or something? You have been comming here making broad claims with no substantial backing other than conjecture. I say put up or shut up. Give us hard facts and figures that can be disputed.
pixletwin said:
Well Homer, some would say that releasing Stormies or Hoth Rebels right off the bat may take the piss outta this line. I would prefer to get the lesser appreciated figs outta the way, work out the kinks in the line, and then jump right into the meatier possibilities.

Right. I'd rather get some guys like Plo, Kit, Asajj (somewhat), then do Clones, Stormies, Sandies, Vader, Old Ben, etc. Don't shoot your wad in the first 5 mins.

pixletwin said:
Besides you make an awful lot of assumption based on what you read on boards. I wouldn't take what people say here as definitively whats actually going on from Sideshow's end.

Happens a lot on here with both products and people. Right I don't believe anything till I hear it from SS first.

pixletwin said:
Amen to that bruthuh Josh. Truer words were never typed in the last 5 minutes.

I get one right once in a while. :lol
Homer, can you back some of those statements up, that the troops aren't selling? A lot of stuff with as flexible a cancellation policy as Sideshow offers is the reason that even super limited PF figures that everybody goes gaga for end up available as a second chance item, and I have been glad for every cancellation that led to me getting an exclusive, so I ain't complaining.
Homer Simpson said:
Well I can assure you these figures are not selling. Don't forget that Sideshow only sell a percentage of these figures on their site. The overseas market take a lot of these products from them. And I can assure you, I am in a position to know, these Endor soliders are not selling outside the US.

Don't really care. Are you actually trying to convince us that SSC will (gasp) LOSE money on this toyline? That (double gasp) a couple of figures that may or may not be clunkers (as seen from your vague "position to know") will sink the entire company?

In the end I ask, "What the hell is your point, man?" If you're trying to convince this august body that Sideshow are bad businesspeople, you can save your breath. Enough of us have pledged a good 40% of our paychecks that we're not too worried about Sideshow going under any time soon from mismanagment and bad figure choices.
Fans scream for figures of characters from the Cantina sceen that were on the screen for a fraction of a second.

So what is the problem? They are characters YOU did not want.
The problem is they are characters we do not know. Everyone remember the old guy, but the other two could be anyone. Make a cantina alien, people may love it or hate it, but they know it. Make a Alien that was never in the film, put it in a Star Wars box and try and sell it, and most people won't buy it, they'll get annoyed with it and call it crap. Make a figure and dress him up in Endor clothes, people won't buy it. People aren't buying it. End of.
Customikey said:
Don't really care. Are you actually trying to convinve us that SSC will (gasp) LOSE money on this toyline? That (double gasp) a couple of figures that may or may not be clunkers (as seen from your vague "position to know") will sink the entire company?

In the end I ask, "What the hell is your point, man?" If you're trying to convince this august body that Sideshow are bad businesspeople, you can save your breath. Enough of us have pledged a good 40% of our paychecks that we're not too worried about Sideshow going under any time soon from mismanagment and bad figure choices.
When did I say it will sink the entire company?
May point is Sideshow were taking the piss releasing these 3 figures together, and now it seems their decision has come back and bit them, because people aren't buying them.

I very much doubt it will sink the company though, unless you know something I don't?
Homer Simpson said:
The problem is they are characters we do not know. Everyone remember the old guy, but the other two could be anyone. Make a cantina alien, people may love it or hate it, but they know it. Make a Alien that was never in the film, put it in a Star Wars box and try and sell it, and most people won't buy it, they'll get annoyed with it and call it crap. Make a figure and dress him up in Endor clothes, people won't buy it. People aren't buying it. End of.

Same can be said for just about half the Hoth Soldiers. Only ones I can tell you for sure are Cliff Claven/John Ratsenburger and the mustached guy with the electrobinoculars before the AT AT attack. Will you have the same comments on Hoth Soliders then?
Homer, the kenner/hasbro line has a ton of faceless soldier guys that sell well as army builders. They aren't based on any person in particular, just generic grunts for background guys. Army builders are just good sellers, regardless of whether or not they look exactly like background guy number 4.
Frankly, I had no idea who Nik Sant was, and if they released all three with no names, I wouldn't have known they weren't actually in the film.

On a semi-related note, didn't Lucasfilm arbitrarily plug someone into the Star Wars canon because they won a contest or something? The guy ended up on a gamecard in Hoth gear? Am I the only one who remember this? Sort of blurs the line, doesn't it.
Customikey said:
In the end I ask, "What the hell is your point, man?" If you're trying to convince this august body that Sideshow are bad businesspeople, you can save your breath. Enough of us have pledged a good 40% of our paychecks that we're not too worried about Sideshow going under any time soon from mismanagment and bad figure choices.

I'd like to know the same myself. As far as paycheck I say that's a solid number for sure.
Seaward said:
Homer, the kenner/hasbro line has a ton of faceless soldier guys that sell well as army builders. They aren't based on any person in particular, just generic grunts for background guys. Army builders are just good sellers, regardless of whether or not they look exactly like background guy number 4.
But Hasbro never released 3 at a time and charged $60 bucks a time for them. Even when they released a varient like in the Endor/Naboo wave, they ended up as peg warmers along with the Naboo Solider.(At least they did in my neck of the woods). Imperial troopers are good sellers, rebel soliders aren't.