Super Freak
That Hustler shirt looks amazing!
I can't top the pic above but....
Just sharing a new pose for my Tyler and thought I would snap up a pic of my narrator painted by greggo.
Was going for the look of one of Tyler's promo pictures.
those are wonderful
Thanks man!
I bashed the narrator together from scratch! Am still on the lookout for a Rainman clothing set for him if anyone can help me out ;-)
Got anything fight club related to show?
Do you have a pic of your full Fight Club setup Butcher?
I would love to find a fullset Rainman V2 Tyler to go with my Tyler V1 Fullset someday.. I think that one looks awesome, I love the furcoat and the oakleys are great, but V2 seems to be superhard to track down as is a Narrartor.
sdcc13 ex.