I think there are three kinds of flaming, personal attacks, inflammatory comments and retaliatory flaming.
There are legitimate topics that are bound to rub people the wrong way, but they are probably the most important discussions to have. If people think SSC is lacking in their QC, they should speak up. If people are concerned that SSC may price them out of the market, they should speak up.
When people say that SSC pulls a bait and switch with protos and production, you need to get a grip at this point. We've seen enough protos vs production to know they won't match up. Unless they tell the artists not to do such a good job it won't change, because the factory can't do much better than they do.
When people say SSC are money hungry, greedy pigs that are extorting our SW addiction, they need valium. Hey they should make the money. Does anyone here refuse a raise? I was irritated when they raised the SW prices in a higher percentage than the other figures. I stated my opinion on the boards then cancelled some items.
People tell Josh he wears rose colored glasses but is there anyone here who doesn't believe he believes every word he says? He loves what he gets and sometimes he gets irritated that other people don't see what he does. Oh well.
Then you have collector freak who would probably call the Mona Lisa acceptable.
I'm not trying to pick on these guys but they seem to be the front runners of their respective camps.
If everyone would be logical like me, we would all get along great.
Now hopefully that troublemaker Pixletwin will stop making such annoying topics!