Video game collectibles are niche, especially in the 1/6 market that is dominated by Disney/MCU/Star Wars and DC, it's rare to see a video game figure sell as good as anything superhero related.
I love the Horizon games but they aren't as popular as other franchises, and in China it's not as beloved as RDR2 for example, add that on top of her design being extremely difficult and you get nobody wanting to take the risk of making her, as far as Cyberpunk getting toys made it's not really a mistery, CDPR is way more easy going with their licenses and easy to approach, plus they had Keanu for that game and everyone loves him, so of course Howard and other toys makers jumped on it.
Sony and other gaming studios are more difficult to approach and it's harder to get a reply from them unless you're well connected to someone in that industry, I've tried multiple times with no success, people are so quick bash third parties when they make unlicensed figures or complain that nobody is making video game figures but the truth is these gaming studios don't give a **** about figures and those figures would not be a money maker like DC or other movie figures, I mean sure some Sony studios like Naughty Dog will license a few statues and such but it's mainly due to nepotism and good connections, Dark Horse is a great example of what I'm talking about.