The Flash - July 2022

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Just saw it. In the seats during the credits.

I liked it. Too effect and CGI heavy, lots of fake looking shots (those babies). No reason a finished movie three years in the making should look that sloppy. I liked the story. It was good. I actually felt bad for Barry Allen, depressing reality.

Most importantly, they didn’t do my boy Keaton dirty. Thought for sure they were going to Luke Skywalker him.
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Great film and I liked that it wasn’t a bad typical DCU offering. I‘d say it has become of my favorite DCU Snyderverse films next to the first WW.

It’s too bad that Miller is a problem off camera…because he can be the ideal Flash in movies and respect him for that . Hopefully he can clean up his act and turn it around because I would like to see him as the Flash again…I think he deserves to revisit the role in the future.

One problem that really irked me on the plot Why was there nothing explained on how Barry’s mother was killed , it bothers me because the key factor why the plot of Barry for the film was established centered around Barry trying to change her death but they never showed what exactly happened to could they leave this out ,e even when the father had been cleared they never explained …only his alibi . I’m thinking there has to be a director’s cut coming of this film because I’m sure it was probably cut out which makes no sense
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Great film and I liked that it wasn’t a bad typical DCU offering. I‘d say it has become of my favorite DCU Snyderverse films next to the first WW.

It’s too bad that Miller is a problem off camera…because he can be the ideal Flash in movies and respect him for that . Hopefully he can clean up his act and turn it around because I would like to see him as the Flash again…I think he deserves to revisit the role in the future.

One problem that really irked me on the plot Why was there nothing explained on how Barry’s mother was killed , it bothers me because the key factor why the plot of Barry for the film was established centered around Barry trying to change her death but they never showed what exactly happened to could they leave this out ,e even when the father had been cleared they never explained …only his alibi . I’m thinking there has to be a director’s cut coming of this film because I’m sure it was probably cut out which makes no sense
Yeah, I was surprised they didn’t introduce Reverse Flash and all of that. But it sounds like over the course of its lengthy production it went through lots of changes. Maybe at one point they had Miller as RF and given the odd screen issues it might have been too close for comfort? They focused only on clearing his dad and not at all with finding the real killer, which if there isn’t any physical evidence to prove his innocence, finding the killer and brining him to justice would be the next logical alternative. They almost went out of their way to not even bring that up as an option. [/ISPOILER
Just got out watching this and I don't see how James Gunn thinks this is the best superhero movie...and he's about to be co-head of DC? This movie was my most anticipated next to Rise of the Beast and it was just OK. I hate his cgi rubbery looking suit, even worse than Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern. Affleck looked weird in his new suit while talking. Keaton was a bad ass as Batman again and him in Russia walking and leading the other Barry's underground looked awesome.
Putting my absolute dislike for any content Gunn makes he does have a job to sell the movies that are coming out for DC whether he was involved or not.
Great film and I liked that it wasn’t a bad typical DCU offering. I‘d say it has become of my favorite DCU Snyderverse films next to the first WW.

It’s too bad that Miller is a problem off camera…because he can be the ideal Flash in movies and respect him for that . Hopefully he can clean up his act and turn it around because I would like to see him as the Flash again…I think he deserves to revisit the role in the future.

One problem that really irked me on the plot Why was there nothing explained on how Barry’s mother was killed , it bothers me because the key factor why the plot of Barry for the film was established centered around Barry trying to change her death but they never showed what exactly happened to could they leave this out ,e even when the father had been cleared they never explained …only his alibi . I’m thinking there has to be a director’s cut coming of this film because I’m sure it was probably cut out which makes no sense
How can this be Snyderverse? He had nothing to do with it other than casting some of the characters 8 years ago.
How can this be Snyderverse? He had nothing to do with it other than casting some of the characters 8 years ago.
Suicide Squad and Aquaman are Snyderverse and he had nothing to do with them. Would this be considered Whedonverse? Warnerverse?
director Andy explains the odd look of the effects

good pr
valid visual choices
or thinking on the fly

you decide lol

One thing most superhero movies have going for them is you know how they should look. When Batman, Spider-Man, or Iron Man put on their suits, the world around them doesn’t change. With the Flash though, when Barry Allen puts on his suit and taps into his powers, the world around him does change—at least to Barry—and figuring out what that’s going to look like is one of the challenges of adaptation.

You’ll see that play out in Warner Bros.’ new DC film The Flash, which is in theaters today. We’ll have a ton to say about some of its big spoilers in the coming days, but there’s one minor spoilery thing we wanted to write about first: the visual effects. In the film, director Andy Muschietti has to create a whole new visual language not just for when Barry is running (called the “Speed Force”), but also later in the movie, when he runs so fast he can turn back time (in a place called the “Chrono Bowl”). And anytime the movie is in the Speed Force or Chrono Bowl, any other human being that isn’t Barry looks, let’s say, weird. Almost like the film had to hit a release date and wasn’t able to finish the visual effects. Which sounds bad, but bear with us.

Note: We’re going to talk about a moment in the film’s opening sequence, nothing else, but just to be safe...

Image for article titled The Flash's Visual Effects Are Meant to Look Like That

The first example, and the one we’re going to focus on here, is in the opening action sequence when Barry (Ezra Miller) runs to Gotham City to help Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) stop a falling building. As that happens, an entire nursery of babies fall out of the window and Barry has to save them all in milliseconds. The effects, as described above, look a bit off—so when io9 spoke to the Muschiettis, director Andy and producer Barbara, about The Flash, we asked if that was the intention.

“No, we used all real babies,” Barbara joked, but then Andy gave us the real answer. “The idea, of course, is...we are in the perspective of the Flash,” he said. “Everything is distorted in terms of lights and textures. We enter this ‘waterworld’ which is basically being in Barry’s POV. It was part of the design so if it looks a little weird to you that was intended.”

And there you have it. If you see The Flash and wonder, “Wait, are those visual effects real? Did they finish that?”, the answer—whether you love it or hate it—is yes, they did. It was done on purpose and was the filmmaker’s intention to make sure what the Flash sees is different from what a normal person would see. Plus, in terms of the opening, it also has the side effect of making the sight of babies falling to their deaths feel slightly less traumatic.
Damage control I would say. The CGI got more plastic looking as the film went on, but I didn't care. I was just happy to see who popped up.
Suicide Squad and Aquaman are Snyderverse and he had nothing to do with them. Would this be considered Whedonverse? Warnerverse?
Suicide Squad is debatable. It wasn't what was intended. David Ayer's Suicide Squad would be. Aquaman isn't Snyderverse.

If I had to give it a "verse" it would be simply the DCEU or Hamadaverse.
Suicide Squad is debatable. It wasn't what was intended. David Ayer's Suicide Squad would be. Aquaman isn't Snyderverse.

If I had to give it a "verse" it would be simply the DCEU or Hamadaverse.
Ah ok. I guess that's why it made over a billion :lol :wink1:
Review time!

If you want to see a stunt man doing really REALLY cool stuff in a modern 89 costume go see this!

However if you want to see the return of Tim Burton’s Batman this AIN’T FOR YOU!

There was no reason it had to be him!

Hands down worst universe cameos ever with laughably embarrassing cameo cgi and the worst end credits scene ever DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WAITING FOR IT!

I thought the cameos
were going to interact in the story like in DS2
but NOPE!

I will admit that I was completely floored by the end character reveal before the credits I was not expecting that whatsoever BUT WHY!

Umm what else.

WB please give all DC rights back to Snyder ASAP!

One word for The Flash.


Make that 2 words..


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I just watched it.

I liked it.

It was a simple movie for simple folks. It's was fun.

Another giant stupid cartoon with rubbery people doing rubbery ****, yes. But it returned the essence of what comic books always were: dumb, big fun spectacles. It's something that I think the Marvel movies strayed from. They became a brand...the "Marvel" movie. This isn't a Marvel movie, it's not a DC movie, it's not a Snyder's just a comic book movie. They took all those goofy ridiculous concepts like infinite earths and speed force and all that and just made a movie.

It was fun. I hope a lot of people see it and it does well. I don't think it'll be revolutionary or anything, but it's just a really fun movie to experience, like GOTG3.

My biggest surprise was that I wasn't all that interested in Keaton's role. He felt out of place and unnecessary to me. Yeah, he's the main "draw" of the film, but I think it would have been fine without him. His performance was fine, but the action scenes were so far removed from the Burton movies that he may as well have literally been an animated character like Roger Rabbit superimposed alongside real people. You've all seen the trailers, so you know exactly what I mean.

I enjoyed all the nostalgia-bait cameos. I even liked Supergirl, which blows my mind because I remember rolling my eyes so hard when this pic surfaced all those years ago:


Fun movie. Totally shocked that Ezra Miller could actually carry a film, but he pulled it off.
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