The Flash - July 2022

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“People were crying! It was the greatest movie ever crafted! I was literally throwing up because of how happy I was! I will name my first-born child “The Flash” in its honor! Ezra Miller gets a lifetime pardon to terrorize Hawaii all they want!”

Some of these reactions are a bit much…
I know not to judge by a trailer, but the newest trailer is solid. But Keaton's "nuts" line is nowhere near as good as the original. Just felt forced.

I'll give it a try, but I don't think it's going to be earth-shattering like people are saying. Then again, we are a fickle bunch.
So it’s been a while since I followed a supergirl comic…so this supergirl is based off of the daughter of Superman and Lois in the comics eventhough they still call her usual ..Hollywood mixing things up :rolleyes:
Right. I’m getting tired of these early screening reactions. They are like 10% trustworthy. Of course you’re not gonna bad mouth a movie you got invited to.
Especially ESPECIALLY at Cinecon lol

This is the publicity game that WB is playing.

For the last year the WB CEO and Gunn have kept repeating that the movie is the best superhero movie ever so they set it up for the reviewers to say that it’s not but they still give it a glowing review without having to say anything bad about the movie.

In other words the reviewers can then say hey we are not bought out by the studio we are being fully honest in our review look we are saying it’s not the best superhero movie ever (like duh no kidding).

In essence WB provided them the foundation from where to start their reviews WB are allowing them to say it’s not the best comic book movie ever but it’s still great!

All a big pre manufactured corporate marketing algorithm for the influencers to follow.
Yikes... another one.

LOOK! Batman says the same line again!

LOOK!! The Batwing is silhouetted against the moon, just like they did in 1989!!!

LOOK!!! Keaton is back!!! And looking really exhausted with the whole thing.

Gimme nostalgia! Gimme my youth!!! Gimme that thrill again, just one more time before the world changes so much I don't recognize it!!!!

It's all yours.
Seriously though, remember that "face recognition" program that everyone used for awhile to see if their HT sculpt actually looked like the actor? That wore out its welcome...

I see the Chatbot as the next "who's best" fortune-teller.

Questions to finally get the answers to:

Who would win in a fight?

Who's the best __________
(add your character/actor)?

Which movie was better?

Is the poster's information actually correct?

AI is gonna be fun...
Questions to finally get the answers to:

Who would win in a fight?

Who's the best __________
(add your character/actor)?

Which movie was better?

Is the poster's information actually correct?

AI is gonna be fun...
“Chatbot, tell us why George Clooney is the best Batman…”
Holy crap it’s so predictable, every youtube reviewer influencer in attendance at the CC screening starts their reviews with “No WB sorry but it’s not the best superhero movie ever.”

Then they quickly transition into “BUT it’s still GREAT!” :rotfl
For what it’s worth, John Campea and Robert Burnett both said, after the CinemaCon screening, that the “you wanna get nuts…” line worked in the context of the movie. Campea said he hated that they were going to use the line when he first heard it in the trailer. Just a couple people’s opinion, I know, but maybe it plays better in the actual movie?
In the movie the “Let’s Get Nuts” is used differently.

There’s a side of Keaton people haven’t seen yet. When the audience first meet him he comes off as very unhinged.
In the movie the “Let’s Get Nuts” is used differently.

There’s a side of Keaton people haven’t seen yet. When the audience first meet him he comes off as very unhinged.

Seems he hasn't had any haircut for years based on the trailer.
It’s the typical hermit trope.




He’s what Luke Skywalker should have been in the Last Jedi/Rise of Skywalker essentially.
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You hope. He may just be a wannabe crazy actor who really has no interest in playing Batman and it shows on screen.

He should just play Vulture, and let everyone call him Batman.
I’m a huge Batman fan but I honestly would have preferred Keaton coming back as Vulture in No Way Home (without Garfield and Maguire) and finishing that story established in Homecoming than see him back as Batman. He was a great villain. They set him up to come back and fight/protect Peter only to . . . make everyone forget him with Strange’s spell/throw him into Morbius. Really dumb.

It is what it is though. Glad he’s back because that hopefully means more opportunities for ‘89 and Returns collectibles.

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