"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Thanks guys for the comments!

I have the pattern drawn up for the coat and fabric cut. Hopefully I can share that with you all next week:wink1:.

Lookin' mighty sharp Scott. No idea on the buttons though. Any idea when this one is gonna be going up for sale (just a ballpark guess) ?

Hard to say. I am close but I still have some time consuming pieces in the process. There is also somethings I want to experiment with. Maybe sometime around late Oct....:dunno
And this is a preview of a one-of-a-kind custom made Tuco that will be joining the gang in a few days. :yess: I'll post more pics when he gets here.

OMG!!! :monkey5 Now that's Tuco!
Hello again,

Some pics with my new Tuco. I think he is great. Working on some weathering on the boots and hands and adding a noose around the neck. He will look great next to Scott's Bounty Hunter. Planning next on creating some custom bases for each. Better pics to come.










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Thanks all for the comments. Tuco does look great. There are so many details that I did not even capture. For instance, he has padding around the waist and stomach to give him a more accurate build and his jacket has all the tearings and holes especially the one in the back. I finished dirtying his finger nails and hands and boots and they came out great. Will post moer pics once I am done with a custom base I am working on.

Hi Okieh,

If you are referring to my Tuco, Farrow does not sell any headsculpts that I know of, he only custom makes figures. This one in particular was a one-of-a-kind first time sculpt request by me. I will ask him if he had planned to make anymore.
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Hey there- Here's a WIP pic of the "Bounty Hunter Blondie" coat. This is the basic overall look of the coat but it needs a little alteration first to be finished. Boots and spurs are next on the list.....


Cheers- S.

The coat looks great. Are you making the right pocket opened/ripped like he had it in the movie so that he has access to his gun? That would be cool.
Hey there- Here's a WIP pic of the "Bounty Hunter Blondie" coat. This is the basic overall look of the coat but it needs a little alteration first to be finished. Boots and spurs are next on the list.....


Cheers- S.

Beautiful tailoring Scott :thud:
Keep it up Scott. Nice work. The boots are going to be practically the same, right? You pretty much nailed em last time.