Dito Bernard2002 - I really like your Blondie - I think it is really excellent
Yeah, I'm also gathering parts for a Blondie as we speak. I hope to be able to post some progress shots as soon as I have everything to get started...
I think for the most parts these figures will be "easy" enough to build ourselves since most parts can be bought on Ebay for instance, and the parts that can't be found online, could be commissioned by someone like our own Bernard2002 here. Only thing left would be painting the head.
When I receive my headsculpt from Lonnie, I'll be sending it over to small_studios for a paintjob. He did a fantastic job on another Blondie head:
That headsculpt looks fantastic. Where can I order one? Also I am very interested in making this figure if you guys get a list of parts and where to get them or create a "kit". Bernard 2002 that poncho looks dead on. I'm in if you ever sell a couple. I am looking forward to working on this figure. It will be my first custom!
Ok, I'm about ready to start making the new "olive green" ponchos and vests. If anyone is interested, please PM and I'll put you on the list.
Ok, I'm about ready to start making the new "olive green" ponchos and vests.
for sale. If anyone is interested, please PM and I'll put you on the list.
I am definitely interested! PM sent.
Thanks David!
Ok, I'm about ready to start making the new "olive green" ponchos and vests.
for sale. If anyone is interested, please PM and I'll put you on the list.
As of now, I'm only planning a small run of ponchos (20) and even smaller one of vests (5).
I may do more vests, but they are very time consuming and tedious to make.
Ok, I'm about ready to start making the new "olive green" ponchos and vests.
for sale. If anyone is interested, please PM and I'll put you on the list.
PM sent.
This is a great idea for a thread with some very helpful suggestions from everyone! I picked up the Blondie head not long ago and had been wondering how to locate the costume pieces. This will be my first attempt at a custom figure.
Good news guys; I found someone who can also make an accurate 1/6 Blondie shirt (with the thin blue-white stripes).
Price will be between10$-25$, depending on how much people would want one. So if you do, sign up!
(Maybe we can also commission him to make the entire Angel Eyes- or Tuco- costume somewhere down the line?)