Ok, a little info on the ponchos and vests.
Thanks for all the interest. I'm not taking any more orders on vests for now. After this first batch is ready, I'll start up again. Poncho's will still be available.
I've gotten all the fabric needed ready, so I'll be starting up on Monday. It's going to take about 3 weeks after that....
I'll be posting pics as soon as I get them ready.
Hi guys. I am just lurking here. I love seeing what you come up with.
If we continue to generate interest and/or hook up with the right people (looking very good so far), I'd say we have an excellent chance of sourcing the parts for all three figures. The individual costumes will probably be the toughest thing. The head sculpts and most of the other stuff are already available, by the looks of it.Ultimately I'd like to get a full custom of Blondie, angel Eyes and Tuco, but don't know if all the parts can be sourced?
Got ya covered, buddy!I had PM'd Bernard2002 about his customs so you can also add me to the vest/poncho list Mudshark.
watch out everyone.....she's doing intel for ape city & stealing all your tips and tricks for her own purposes.....!!!!!
j/k jessica...........i lurk at ape city myself.........and your thread has some talented folks residing there....you included !!! i really need to visit that thread more often. i am amazed at the attention to detail that you all go into. kinda like some sw threads............only different. .....................
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------People Interested in FULL CUSTOM FIGURES:
* phoenixram1977
* fistfulmetal
* herzograven
* MwNN
* Reinhardt
* fistfulmetal
* herzograven
* MwNN
* Reinhardt
* TUCO *
* fistfulmetal
* herzograven
* MwNN
* Reinhardt
Accurate Olive Green Blondie Poncho / Sheepskin Vest: (Bernard2002)
* toyadventurer
* MwNN
* fistfulmetal
* Mudshark
* Lord Vicious
* Punchy
* Entropy Chicken
Accurate Striped Blondie Shirts: (Lord Vicious)
* Rugby1970
* Mudshark
* toyadventurer
* Punchy
* fistfulmetal
* MwNN
* Les Walker
* Entropy Chicken
* Bluetooth
Thanks for the update, Dave! Looking forward to seeing those pics!
Yep, that was me. How's it going?