it looks like it wasn't cancelled but he couldn't complete checkout i think. between the time he logged in and tried to pay they must have all been allocated to other people who completed checkout. i think he's more annoyed because someone ordered 3 instead of 1 and later cancelled. if that hadn't happened he'd have got one, because he was waiting there at 1pm (just like me). he might be feeling it's a bit unfair that because of that person's mistake he wasn't able to get a figure he wanted so badly. he even put up his hicks for sale for it. i would be ripping holes in my laptop if that happened to me.
Hi guys, i'm Breakers friend who tried so hard to get the clothing and HS.
I had no idea someone ordered 3 then cancelled 2, by the time i figured out my mistake (which was around 2 minutes after pre-order) i had no chance, fuming

,thing is it was still in my shopping basket on 'Rainman's' site.
Oh well i got the clothing set, so when it comes i'm gonna have a hard job not to weather it up, them boots are a bit too clean, so let's just hope he releases the HS painted or unpainted...
By the way my custom 'HT Hicks' is on Ebay, anyone want it, hee hee.