"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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no love for Open Range? I think this is a modern western classic! I thought it was Costner's best film to date along side Mr Brooks and Duvall is just great in it also! I really enjoyed this film
I totally forgot Open Range - awesome film.

And I missed one more...

3:10 to Yuma remake. Unreal! There are so many good Westerns. I still haven't seen "The Assassination of Jesse James" - I hear it is very well done.

Clearly I can't just have a top 3 list. :lol
I have not seen 3:10 yet but i want to, i must get this on dvd.

The other Western which is praised highly is Appaloosa with Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen again i have not seen this either
Open Range and 3:10 were very good movies but IMO Appaloosa was a GREAT movie, If you never saw it stop what you are doing and go get the DVD now. I Wish Rainman would do Cole and Hitch for Appaloosa,
To be fair William Munny would be an awesome figure. But Sergio Leone's stuff comes first in my book. definitely think a Dead Man Johnny Depp would be an overkill because Johnny Depp's been done by Hot Toys and probably will be again when Pirates 4 comes out. Plus Jack has a great depp sculpt for public enemies and edward scissorhands.
I think The Proposition is vastly superior to all these minus GBU so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.:D

Heheh... you're nuts. :D I was about to mention The Proposition. Again, it's a good, fun flick, though not even a tenth as great as those others. I have to admit I'm drawn far more to revisionist and deconstruction stories with a little more thematic meat on their bones and a deeper story than the standard good guys vs bad guys crap. Tombstone, for example, is ok, but just a fluff action pic. I guess it all depends on what your main focus and attraction is - action scenes, acting, cinematography, etc.. Me, I'm a script and plot guy through and through.
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The Proposition is fantastic! ...Nick Cave is one strange so and so. very dark. definitely echos the leone western feel. it's up there on my list for sure. just my 2 cents...
backon topic for a bit. anyone grab the full figure for angel eyes? i want to know if rainman tailored angel eyes clothes for a narrow shoulder or a regular body. judging from the pics raymond and his brother posted angel eyes looks a bit odd on a narrow shoulder body.
New on the board, hope you guys don't mind me chiming in on a few things.
First, I saw "Once Upon a Time in the West" for the first time a couple of months ago. I was absolutely blown away at the technical beauty of this film. I actually prefer it to the $ trilogy.

Over the last few years I've become a bit of a Quentin Tarrantino fan and found much in common with QTs films (or at least QT has kinda showed me a different way to observe and appreciate films)

Leone's use of supporting character actors like Jack Elam and Woody Strode, his juxtapositioning of the historically benevolent and historically malevolent Charles Bronson, his homages to John Ford and other westerns. His use of the brilliant Ennio Morricone's musical soundtrack. His witty dialogue, all remind me of QT. I was riveted right from the elongated dialogLESS opening scene in the train station. A bit short on story but ABSOLUTELY brilliant.

On another aspect of the subject---Although I really can't afford a full figure from Rainman myself, IMHO I think he should stick to the western figures for a while since that genre has been so grossly under represented in our hobby.

Yeah, Tarantino is a great rip off artist.

He has said GBU is the greatest film ever made and its soundtrack, shots, characters and vibe can be acutely felt in all QT stuff. Sadly, most have not seen the films he cribs from so think QT has come up with all this stuff himself.
Yeah, Tarantino is a great rip off artist.

He has said GBU is the greatest film ever made and its soundtrack, shots, characters and vibe can be acutely felt in all QT stuff. Sadly, most have not seen the films he cribs from so think QT has come up with all this stuff himself.

EC, I know QT has been referred to as a "great rip off artist", but I don't think of it in that way. Words like "homage" and "tribute" come to mind. I don't think QT makes any allusions to it. I LOVED the Kill Bill movies mostly because I thought it was a load of fun picking out its references (many of which were clearly stated eg. Shaw Bros, Kato masks, Game of Death outfit etc)

I did get a yuck while listening to some of the audio commentary on the OUATITW DVD. The "film expert" refering to the Mexican standoff at the trading post as "very Tarrantinoesque" . Come on !! Tarrantino was about 4 years old when this movie was made.
But what I wanted to point out was that like Tarrantino, Leone paid his tribute to the the Hollywood western and John Ford and the others in OUATITW eg. Monument Valley, Woody Strode, Harmonica v. "Johnny Guitar"

I don't mean it as a slam, I enjoy QT's stuff. But no shame in calling it what it is. I think couching it in words like "homage" and "tribute" is a bit weak. It's not just little clever references, nods and winks, it's the lifting and stealing of entire sections, sequences, characters and plots from other works. It'd be like saying "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is an homage. There's very little original QT ideas in his film soup, but he mixes it together well and is a wonderful chef. And yes, QT is not the only one to do so with great effect. I'm not saying that's wrong at all, just that QT gets waaay too much credit for coming up with stuff. Audiences always have had short memories.
"soup" is a good way of describing it
"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" ---this I had to look up
btw: what is "The Proposition" ? a search of imdb does'nt seem to turn up anything looking like a western

In my opinion QT takes a lot of ideas that have already been used, but where his talent comes in is in dialogue, narrative, and taking that existing idea and kicking it up a notch in the awesomeness factor.

Hi all,

I'm reminding you that we will begin accepting pre-orders after 1pm, Monday, October 5... TODAY.
You can check the time clock on the website.

Rainman's made only 20 figures at this time.
The sales in Korea were successfully finished yesterday.
Ten figures were sold out.
And only 10 figures are available for sell outside Korea.

Don't miss this limited chance.
