"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Just opened my full figure. I swear I am not exaggerating in saying this may be the most impressive thing I've ever seen!! it is way, way, way beyond words.

And despite my initial concern I LOVE this ring too. But the figure... I just can not believe it... it is truely and utterly a masterpiece. I really wish I had got the full Blondie too :(
i wish i have the blondie period... lol. Rainman's work is really worth the extra money. I can't wait to see your photos of the 3 ray your pictures are always so good.
Thanks Gatack, believe me I take no pleasure in knowing all folks can't own these because they are incredible, not to undermine the Studio DF paint hobs on my other two, those are breathtaking as it is.

LOTS of pics of the trio to come tomorrow but for now I just needed to show this. these pics look almost as if they could be from a real human being, not a 1 inch toy head.

This thing is breathtaking!


Nice pics. I agree Tuco is fantastic and probably my favourite.

I had not set up any of my Gunmen before Tuco arrived. I then spent hours futzing and arranging them all just right. They're a real centerpiece of my collection.

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looks like everyone got the eyes painted straight forward for tuco. mine is like that too, i was hoping mine would have his eyes looking to the left side like the one rainman posted up

I got Mortimer, Angel Eyes and Tuco... I really want a Blondie from Rainman be it the Bounty Hunter version or Final Showdown version.

I wonder what Rainman has in store for us next... I feel like Rainman should make at least one final Western figure before jumping on to the next best thing..
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wow raymond! your tuco head is absolutely incredible!!! i've said it before, then i stopped saying it, stopped believing it, but now i believe it once more. the studio df head is incredible. but next to rainman's, it lacks something. your tuco looks like a living breathing head!!! simply stunning. congrats!!!
wow raymond! your tuco head is absolutely incredible!!! i've said it before, then i stopped saying it, stopped believing it, but now i believe it once more. the studio df head is incredible. but next to rainman's, it lacks something. your tuco looks like a living breathing head!!! simply stunning. congrats!!!

I agree with eightsamurai I have the studio df head and its great (well I still dont like the bald spot on he's head) but Rainmans Tuco paint job is fantastic, I have Blondie by Rainman and the rest Tuco, Angel Eyes and Mortimer by studio df.
Raymond great Pics thanks.
I love that sweat effect. I have a very gloss varnish, and I will use it to apply to my Tuco head that effect.
Thanks guys I know when I logged on this morning and looked at my pics again from last night I simply can not believe this is a 1 inch figure head. I really believe this is the ost imoressive sculpt and paint ever done on a 12 inch figureand really do not believe it can be topped.

El Calvo from your pic the Clink likeness looks better on the full figure than the Studio DF, which I have. I hope you can show us some more!
Question to the guys who own previous full figures. Doe your certificate say paint by studio DF like mine does? (see above pics). I was pretty sure that Rainman painted the full sets himself.
Question to the guys who own previous full figures. Doe your certificate say paint by studio DF like mine does? (see above pics). I was pretty sure that Rainman painted the full sets himself.

hey Raymond Blondie is the same :D the one's that are painted by studio DF are on black cards