"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Hi all,

This is not the final version.
But I'm just posting what Rainman is working on.
It will be on e-ureka shop to sell.
Keep watching it.


See Zuno, I knew freaks would be hot over Rainman!
Thanks for post this here.

Hi all my friends on here,

Do you remember my first posting on this GBU thread on February 20.
I was really happy to be invited by MwNN... :lol

Since I have showed the Rainman's Gunman, He finished four Gunmen with your helps on here.

Now, He is working on his new figure but it is not a gunman... :sick
However, It is one of your favorite characters... :D

I'll open new thread for the new figure as soon as he finished a prototype.
And I hope you like his new figure continuously as you have done so far on here.

Rainman and I really appreciated with this projects.
And we are very sorry that this is only way that we can give thanks to you.

Thank you very much... my friends.
And let's keep in touch on here and the new threads.

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Thank you so very much for providing the means to purchase Rainman's masterpiece figures. I think it is everyone's dream to have these high quality craftsmanship and superbly detailed custom figures in their collection. I am very excited to hear Rainman has created another figure. I am looking forward to seeing what he does next!

My thanks to Mudshark for creating this thread, for without your organization to get things started, these figures probably wouldn't have happened.
I hope this thread will still continue on with more GBU customs. There are so many talented freaks on this board, I am sure there are many more sculpts and versions that have yet to be explored and displayed.
Who would have thought when Mudshark started this thread, Rainman would have completed four complete figures from Sergio Leone's westerns along with clothing sets as well?

Hi all my friends on here,

Do you remember my first posting on this GBU thread on February 20.
I was really happy to be invited by MwNN... :lol

Since I have showed the Rainman's Gunman, He finished four Gunmans with your helps on here.

Now, He is working on his new figure but it is not a gunman... :sick
However, It is one of your favorite characters... :D

I'll open new thread for the new figure as soon as he finished a prototype.
And I hope you like his new figure continuously as you have done so far on here.

Rainman and I really appreciated with this projects.
And we are very sorry that this is only way that we can give thanks to you.

Thank you very much... my friends.
And let's keep in touch on here and the new threads.

It's been a wild ride this year with 4 amazing Gunmen from Rainman. :google

I'm so happy to have this set of figures and am eager to see what else Rainman has in store. But I will miss the Gunmen. I still wouldn't mind seeing a Bounty hunter version of Blondie at some point.

There have been some cool suggestions and ideas of characters Rainman can do, but few have the complexity and detail that the Gunmen did. They will be difficult to top.
I'm so happy to have this set of figures and am eager to see what else Rainman has in store. But I will miss the Gunmen. I still wouldn't mind seeing a Bounty hunter version of Blondie at some point.

I will miss the Gunmen as well. You'd be hard pressed to equal the level of detail and accessories that were included in Rainman's sets.
I would also love to see a Bounty Hunter Blondie. Maybe sometime in the future, Rainman will revisit GBU, and truly complete the trio.
I always thought they were blue but I think the general consensus is they are black.

Its sort of like the Han Solo Hoth blue or brown jacket debate.

Either or I think Rainman's jeans are too gray. It may be the only part of the three figures I own that I would think about replacing someday.
well if you want pure black jeans I'll be happy to trade you mine from velvet morning's figure for your rainman jeans.

You bet Mr.E! No rush, just dedicated! Giving it my best :gun!

cant wait to see what changes you made to figure. hey scott for what its worth can you refine the boots a bit. the toe of the boots seem a bit squared to me.

wow.... a new character fingers crossed for ALEX D' Large
I believe Clint always wore the square toe boots. They were the same ones he had on Rawhide. Same gunbelt and gun too.
Mudshark I'd be careful... Every time I've ever done a hot water treatment to a plastic figure in any way it has almost always bent back to it's original position or at least slightly back over time.

With the finger in the trigger it might start to pull at it in unnatural ways. Rainman specifically said not to force the finger's into the triggers. Personally the fact that they don't fit perfectly is a sacrifice I'm willing to make to ensure that these beautiful guns do not break.

Thanks for the concern, Ray. Guess I should've mentioned that I only did that for photographic purposes. I removed the pistol shortly after I took the pics and stuck it back in his coat pocket. Some weapons are easier to have a figure hold for long periods of time without fear of damaging anything, but I agree that Rainman's pistols may a little too delicate to risk leaving in that position for a long time.

I'm always EXTREMELY careful with my figures and wouldn't knowingly do anything that might damage them in any way. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who was not reasonably confident they could do it safely. I know how precious these figures are to all of us!

Generally speaking, super-heating the kind of plastic Tuco's gun hand is made from made it very pliable, so there was no forcing of the trigger finger at all. As you said, that kind of plastic does have a degree of "memory" though, and will at least partially return to its original shape over time, so I wouldn't recommend leaving it that way indefinitely. It will however hold the new shape long enough to take a few action pics, (one of the main reasons I collect figures for in the first place). It also helps a lot to dip the hand into ice water while holding the fingers in the position you want.

Most resins, on the other hand, can generally hold a new shape more or less indefinitely once they cool. I needed to straighten the barrel on Clint's Colt SAA, which was slightly bent off center when I sighted down its barrel. I was very reluctant to do anything about it at first, but decided to try straightening it a little. Since it's resin, I was luckily able to fix the problem with the hot water dip trick, and it's still perfectly straight now after several months. (Whew!)
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