The Craw
Super Freak
im real close to splurging for a decent camera. then i can show you guys pics of my repaint as well as my custom 12in lurtz.
I'm excited for you bro! Faramir really does merit a great repaint; once he gets one you'll be amazed at what a gorgeous figure he really is! A lot of it is just in the coloring. People keep thinking he's blond or had brown hair--NO! He's a redhead, people! Les got it just right; he used over 10 colors to get it just perfect, using some pale straws, blondes, oranges, and reds to make the perfect mix--and I mean PERFECT!!! Plus his beard and eyebrows are really light, so you can't even see them in some lighting. I've got to have my friend take more pics; I mean seriously, I've never seen a paint job with such texture in the coloring, from his clear, fair skin to his deep, sad eyes. Oh man I love mine!!!
What kind of a bash? Are you going to make a custom ranger? Because I was looking at those Origins Highlander figures thinking 'you know, those would make GREAT Gondorian rangers!' The costumes wouldn't be very hard, and after all, Faramir needs some men . . .
Yep, a custom ranger, like one you might find in the wilds with Aragorn.
Just doing what I do guys.... but thanks!