in all fairness this guy is doing God's work.
praise him, praise jesus
in all fairness this guy is doing God's work.
praise him, praise jesus
As much as people bag on the Hobbit films. I enjoy them for what they are and after watching the extended versions of the films I enjoyed them more especially the Five Armies. Watching the final film in theaters just didn't get me but the Extended provided some extra stuff helping the film out more.
Hardly, he's just a person with way too much time on his hands.
Say that about the SW prequels in any SW thread under movie section!As much as people bag on the Hobbit films. I enjoy them for what they are.
in all fairness this guy is doing God's work.
praise him, praise jesus
he did a good analysis. I bet if he was praising the movies you guys would be praising him for making the vid
his points are true and valid. he isn't just hating, he is giving a well thought out criticism on why this was so bad, why it fails, how it fails and why making cash grabs for money is bad.
There are movies that I totally hate, but I'm not going to waste my time watching vids about movies I hate. If you guys want to do that. Good on ya.
he did a good analysis. I bet if he was praising the movies you guys would be praising him for making the vid
his points are true and valid. he isn't just hating, he is giving a well thought out criticism on why this was so bad, why it fails, how it fails and why making cash grabs for money is bad.
I know that the Hobbit gets alot of hate due to the forced connections and cgi, but man aren't the final battles super over the top awesome on the EE of BOFA, plus the emotions are dead on perfect, Thorin's death hurts!
Yes the Aragorn fights in FOTR are the best in the series due to their brutal realism, but BOFA doesn't suffer one bit because of it.
Good stuff, the Hobbit trilogy are lots of fun.
Besides, The Last Goodbye is my favorite song from all of the movies.